Compassion Canada’s Volunteer Network recently launched a new initiative called Value One, a focus to mobilize its highly engaged volunteer base across Canada to connect children living in poverty with sponsors.

“We have an incredibly committed and energetic network of volunteers,” says Teresa Stracuzzi, who leads Compassion’s Volunteer Network.  “We love to welcome new people into the Compassion family who are passionate about helping children around the world.  In our experience, we see volunteers’ lives changed as they become part of the work of seeing children set free from poverty.”

Through the Value One initiative, Compassion has set a goal of seeing 600 Canadians sponsor children in different parts of the world.  To do so, the Volunteer Network is asking every volunteer to set a personal goal to see one of their friends, family members or individuals in their personal network to sponsor a child.

“I’m a sponsor today because someone told me their Compassion story,” says Alex Muir. 

“It’s amazing to connect with other people who are similarly passionate about helping children and when we can come together and support each other, I think more people will hear about Compassion’s important work and want to join it.”


Compassion Canada Volunteers

Compassion Canada volunteers at a Compassion event

If every volunteer across Canada is able to find a sponsor for one child, over 600 children waiting for a sponsor will experience transformation.

“We want to help Canadians see that sponsorship is about relationship and happens through relationship,” notes Stracuzzi. “Our volunteers share about their passion to see children released from poverty over coffee with friends, in their small groups, or when they’re at their own kids’ sports games.  It’s a natural outflow of their lives and conversations.”

To support volunteers, Compassion’s Volunteer Network is using its Facebook Page where volunteers can share updates of their work and also receive encouragement.

Compassion invites current volunteers and individuals who want to volunteer for the first time to join the initiative.  “Sharing just a little of your time can make a huge impact for kids in poverty,” says Stracuzzi.  “I can’t think of a better way for others to give their time than to be part of seeing more children released from poverty in Jesus’ Name.”

Looking for ways to engage as a volunteer?

  • Individuals across Canada who would like to join Compassion’s volunteers to help see one child sponsored in the lead up to Christmas can contact
  •  Volunteers can connect with others on the Value One Facebook group

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada