If you hang around Compassion’s ministry for any amount of time, you’ll quickly see that we’re really passionate about the Church.

Why? Because Jesus is! The Church is His hands and feet in the world today—the vessel through which people will meet Him, experience His love and grace and hear the Good News message.

That’s why Compassion partners with local churches to carry out our mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

Here are four incredible blog posts to help you learn how the global church is living out its call to be the hands and feet of Jesus across the globe!


1. Being the Church in the aftermath of war

Five men in front of Victory Outreach Church

In the wake of the devastating conflict between Joseph Kony’s guerrilla group, the Lord’s Resistance Army, and the Ugandan government, this church in Uganda is serving its community in practical and transformative ways. [5 minute read]


2. This local church is partnering with a local indigenous tribe to preserve their native language and protect their land from environmental pollution

Chaci children play on a stack of tires

In many countries around the world, Compassion’s local church partners work with indigenous tribes to preserve their culture and protect the environment. This local church in Ecuador is partnering with the Chachi tribe to ensure their indigenous language lasts into the next generation. [2.5 minute read]


3. When a pastor’s failed vision is fulfilled

Pastor Richard stands in an open field in his community, wearing dark pants and a light purple shirt.

Pastor Richard has a vision for his church and for his community. Through a partnership with Compassion, he was able to see that vision fulfilled. “I believe the church provides a holistic and sustainable approach to addressing poverty,” he says. [5 minute read]


4. The Church: the most powerful force against poverty

Centre Street Church in Calgary is partnering with local churches in Mexico to reach children living in poverty through Compassion. “We have come to firmly believe that the local church is the sustainable presence of Christ in the community,” says Dr. Brad Friesen, Centre Street Church’s Pastor of Global Ministries. [3.5 minute read]


Inspired? Read more from a Canadian pastor whose church is partnering with Compassion to see more children sponsored! Pastor Charles recently travelled to Peru to see Compassion’s work first-hand. What he saw both broke his heart and inspired him.

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Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa is Compassion Canada's Manager of Content and Public Relations, telling stories that inspire and equip Jesus followers to live compassionate lifestyles. She is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto, where she studied International Development.