Stories. They are so simple, yet so powerful. They can shape our perspective of the world, inspire and anger us, cause great joy and deep sorrow. Your stories, others’ stories, our stories.

We’re so thankful for the way you engaged with the stories of children living in poverty this year and allowed them to intersect with your own. As we look to 2022, we’re so thankful for how you continue to step into God’s story of hope and restoration for our world.

WATCH: A year in review from around the world of Compassion.


This year, you engaged with so many different stories here on the Compassion Canada blog.

Here are this year’s top 10 blogs.


10. When pocket change changes lives: Two Canadian teens share their Compassion story

A graphic with a grey background and a photo of Cayna on the left and Joshua on the right. Cayna has shoulder length blonde hair and is wearing a black top. Joshua has short blonde hair and is wearing a blue polo shirt. They are both standing outside in front of greenery.

We love sharing the stories of inspiring youth who partner with Compassion to make a difference. Joshua from Ontario and Cayna from New Brunswick inspired us all with their creativity, ingenuity and generosity.

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9. Where are they now? Ten students received the gift of tuition

A collage of pictures of students

Ever wonder if your Gifts of Compassion make a difference? The story of these 10 students help to answer that question with an emphatic yes.

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8. Kirk Franklin re-releases “Lean on Me” with The Compassion Youth Choir

Thumbnail of the Lean on Me music video. Kirk Franklin is in the middle playing piano, surrounded by images of youth from around the world singing.

We were so excited to share that Compassion kids from around the world had the opportunity to record and re-release a song with award-winning gospel artist Kirk Franklin! We still have this song on repeat three months later!

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7. Meet another group of unsung heroes: Compassion’s Partnership Facilitators

Project Facilitator Virigina sits at her desk behind a Dell laptop. She is wearing a blue jacket with the Compassion logo on it.

Around the world, Compassion’s Partnership Facilitators are some of the heroes of our ministry, supporting our local church partners in delivering child development programming to over 2 million children and their families. We loved introducing you to this group of amazing people.

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6. Free downloadable wallpapers to say: thank you

A graphic that includes a photo of a boy in Togo holding a Bible and the text of Galatians 6:9.

This spring, we invited Canadians to #DoGoodNow, and so many responded in the spirit of our theme verse, Galatians 6:9. As a reminder of your impact for kids living in poverty, we created these free downloadable wallpapers just for you.

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 5. #DayOfTheGirl: step into a day in Flora’s life in the mountains of Bolivia

Flora, in a pink shirt, blue sweater, and skirt, is standing in a brown field carrying sticks of firewood on her back. One of her chores is to collect the firewood.

We loved getting a window into 11-year-old Flora’s life in Bolivia for International Day of the Girl Child in October.

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 4. Is child sponsorship still relevant in 2021?

A blue and yellow graphic background with a thumbnail image of a Latin American child wearing a blue shirt.

2021 was an unusual year, to say the least. In the midst of it all, is child sponsorship still relevant? You’re probably not surprised to hear that we’d say, “Yes!” In fact, we think it’s more important than ever.

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3. Compassion helps Rwandan family reunite decades after genocide

Left to right, Christian's aunt Pascasie, Christian, and his cousins Cynthia and Mugisha stand with their arms around each other.

This breath-taking story was one of the highlights of our year, as we learned that a Compassion Canada blog post helped reunite a family torn apart by genocide.

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2. Meet our people: 10 questions with Compassion staff across Canada

A collage of staff photos.

We have some pretty stellar people on staff at Compassion—here’s an opportunity to meet just a few of them.

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1. Is child sponsorship a scam?

A yellow and blue graphic background with a small image of an African child wearing a yellow shirt in the centre.

As part of our Do Good Now campaign, thousands of Canadians wanted their child sponsorship questions answered—and we were here with a blog written just for them.

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Happy New Year from Compassion Canada!

We can’t wait to share more stories with you in 2022.

Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa is Compassion Canada's Manager of Content and Public Relations, telling stories that inspire and equip Jesus followers to live compassionate lifestyles. She is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto, where she studied International Development.