We love that we are able to be part of the ministry of so many amazing Canadians! Here is one of your stories that inspired us this year.

Alex Muir is a missionary with Pioneers Canada, and he travels several times a year to distribute solar-powered audio Bibles to remote villages in Bolivia. He and his wife Judy have also been Compassion sponsors since 1990. In 1995, he was able to meet his sponsored child, Ruben, and visit his home.

“It was through this experience that God made me more aware of the great need there is to help protect children from their vulnerable situations and with Compassion’s heart ‘to release them in Jesus’ name.’”

Through his work as a missionary, Alex built strong relationships with many churches in Bolivia. He even helped connect them with Compassion in order to start a ministry to the children in their area. Now Alex makes three to four trips per year to Bolivia to distribute Bibles, and his team always makes sure to visit the Compassion centres in the area.

“What joy to watch the centres grow, but more so to see the children blossom in their relationship with Jesus. Lives continue to be changed, families are connected to the local church and these cities will never be the same.”

When he returns home to New Brunswick from his travels, Alex finds sponsors for the children he has met—knowing what a difference the church and Jesus are making in their lives.

“Our journey as Compassion sponsors and advocates has been one of many incredible mountaintop experiences. Even some of the most serious heartbreak moments I recall are not too difficult for Jesus to bring about change… Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost… it is all about changing lives in Jesus’ Name.”

Learn more about joining Alex and thousands of other Canadians in helping children find loving sponsors.

Photo by Galia Oropeza

Amber Van Schooneveld

Amber Van Schooneveld

Amber Van Schooneveld is the Managing Editor of Compassion International's blog.