The difference a Christmas gift can make

Written by: Aaron Armstrong

Every year, supporters like you give to the Christmas Gift Fund—helping every child and student Compassion serves feel loved and appreciated with a gift at this special time of year.

But have you ever wondered what difference it really makes in your child’s life?

Watch as Averil Shadd shares about the difference her gift made for one of her Compassion children and how God can work through even a small monetary gift:

“…Even when we have something small to give, God can use that gift and make it something incredible.”

You can make a big difference in the life of your Compassion child—and every child and student Compassion serves—with a gift to Compassion’s Christmas Gift Fund.

Bring huge smiles to children in need this Christmas!

Suggested donation: $25 per sponsored child

Your gift helps ensure that every child Compassion serves receives a gift—one that meets a real need and will bring joy and encouragement.

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron is the author of several books, including Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation and the End of Poverty.