The Best of 2016

Written by: Compassion Canada

As we draw the curtains on another year, it’s so good to look back and remember all the things we’ve learned, the ways we’ve grown and the things the Lord has done.
Here is some of the best of 2016 from around the Compassion world!

Best response

A Haitian family sits on the porch of their house surveying the damage that a recent hurricane has brought upon their neighbourhood.
For many, 2016 was a year of tragedy, including for many of our brothers and sisters in Haiti whose homes and livelihoods were destroyed in Hurricane Matthew.

But you struck back with deep generosity.

Canadians gave more than $300,000 to Compassion’s efforts to relieve and rebuild in Haiti!

Thank you for your solidarity with the poor in Haiti.

Best Facebook post

We also had our lighter moments.

This post was our most popular on Facebook—Compassion Ambassador Chelsea Amber singing “How He Loves” to her sponsored girl in the Dominican Republic.

We bet you’ll smile!

Best Instagram pic

I beautiful baby boy from Uganda stares into the camera. He bright blue eyes and a birthmark down the centre of his face.
This picture was our most popular of the year. We can see why!

Kids like beautiful little Shakul who look a little different can be at risk in countries where superstitions and prejudices run deep. But God made each of us unique. We celebrate that uniqueness in every child we serve around the world.

Best blog post: Canada

Family picture
One of our most popular blog posts was written by one of our supporters, Candice Chan, who shared about her family’s journey of learning to live a simpler life in order to help others.

A mom learning to live simply

Best blog post: UK

A mother and her daughter sit in front of a doorway. A bright yellow cloth covers the entrance.
Because who doesn’t love a happy ending?

Mummy, I am full.

Best blog post: Australia

Compassion Australia asks the questions so many of us have wondered—as Christians, how do we respond to begging?

Should I give money to beggars?

Best blog post: US

A mother sits with her baby boy as he naps on a bed. The room is small and sunlight shines through the cracks on the wall.
It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small. The bedroom is the one place we can shut out the world and curl up for sweet slumber at the end of a long day.

We loved these pictures Compassion USA posted of what children’s bedrooms around the world look like!

30 Stunning Pictures of Bedrooms Around the World

Best video

By far, the most popular video across the Compassion world was this video from Compassion Korea with nearly 5 million views. It asks the question, “What would you do if you saw a child in need?”

What a beautiful reminder of how we are part of a global family reaching out with love to those most in need in our world.

We thank God for allowing us to be part of His work in this world in 2016, and we look forward with hope for what He will do in the coming year!

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada