Free downloadable wallpapers to say: thank you

Thank you for joining us in doing good, right now
  • By: Compassion Canada
A graphic that includes a photo of a boy in Togo holding a Bible and the text of Galatians 6:9.

Over the past several months, we’ve invited you to explore the good life with us. We were motivated by a simple idea: even in the midst of a global pandemic that has stolen so much good, we can choose to do good right now.

And you did. You’ve embodied the scripture that has been our rallying cry these past few months: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9

We want to say: thank you.

As a sign of our thanks, we created some graphics for you to download—one from each region where Compassion works. Use them as wallpapers on your devices, shareables on social media or printables for your wall. We hope they serve as a reminder of your connection to the children and families you help to impact around the world by partnering with Compassion. And may these photos spur you to not grow weary in doing what is good!

Download an image by clicking on the appropriate link below.



A photo of a boy in Togo holding a Bible, with the text of Galatians 6:9 overlaid on the image.


Mobile: 750×1334 | 1080×1920

Tablet: 1535×2048 | 1668×2388

Desktop: 1440×900 | 1920×1200


5×7 | 8×10

Share on social

Stories: 1080×1920 | Square: 1080×1080



A graphic that includes a photo of a girl in Ecuador and the text of Galatians 6:9.


Mobile: 750×1334 | 1080×1920

Tablet: 1535×2048 | 1668×2388

Desktop: 1440×900 | 1920×1200


5×7 | 8×10

Share on social

Stories: 1080×1920 | Square: 1080×1080



A graphic that includes a photo of a boy in the Philippines and the text of Galatians 6:9.


Mobile: 750×1334 | 1080×1920

Tablet: 1535×2048 | 1668×2388

Desktop: 1440×900 | 1920×1200


5×7 | 8×10

Share on social

Stories: 1080×1920 | Square: 1080×1080



A graphic that includes a photo of a girl in Haiti and the text of Galatians 6:9.


Mobile: 750×1334 | 1080×1920

Tablet: 1535×2048 | 1668×2388

Desktop: 1440×900 | 1920×1200


5×7 | 8×10

Share on social

Stories: 1080×1920 | Square: 1080×1080


It’s not to late to join us in doing good, right now.

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