From the rocky expanse of British Columbia to the breezy cliffs of PEI, Compassion Canada is beyond blessed to have the passionate support of Canadians across the country.
There are thousands of Canadians who partner with Compassion to put their love for Christ and neighbour in action—82,479 of them to be exact.
When we call to mind what makes us thankful about Canada, we can’t help but think about all the supporters and volunteers who put their whole heart into loving children across the globe. We got a chance to catch up with a few of them to ask:
“Why do you love being a sponsor to a child across the globe?”
We have a lot of land to cover so, what do you say? Let’s hit the road and meet these compassionate Canadians!
Prince Edward Island
Name: Joasia Bell
Hometown: Charlottetown, PEI

“In 2013, as a wedding gift to each other, my husband and I chose to sponsor a child through Compassion. Little did we know the impact it would have on both of us. We now have two sponsor children—a boy and a girl—in different parts of the world. We consider them to be siblings to our own boy and girl here in Prince Edward Island. Being able to raise our own children here in Canada while having them connect and learn about their siblings around the world is beyond priceless.”
Nova Scotia
Name: Karen Rhyno
Hometown: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia

“I love being a sponsor for Etenesh. I know that the little I give each month and the letters I send will make a big impact on her life. I had the privilege of travelling to Ethiopia a few years ago, and know first-hand how small things can make a big difference for someone who just needs a hand-up to become the best God intended them to be. Compassion works tirelessly to help fulfill God’s vision for His children, and I’m thrilled to be partnering with Compassion on that journey!”
New Brunswick
Name: Josh Cheney
Hometown: St Stephen, New Brunswick

“We believe that whatever we’ve been given isn’t really ours—it’s been entrusted to us by God. As stewards of His resources—with hearts that seek to love Him with all of our heart, mind and strength—combined with a love for others, we believe there is no better ‘bang for His buck’ than investing in the physical, educational, social, vocational and spiritual development of impoverished, oppressed and marginalized children and families. The ripple effect of a transformed life impacts family and community life both now and in the future. This is great kingdom work and we love doing the part entrusted to us!”
Name: Halina Rose
Hometown: Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec

“Chacun de mes enfants est unique! Je pourrais en parler pendant des heures. Je suis privilégiée de faire partie de l’œuvre de Dieu dans leur vie, par la prière, par des correspondances et par le soutient de leur église locale qui, concrètement, fait tout le travail! Ces enfants sont un don de Dieu. Je suis tellement reconnaissante! Leur présence dans ma vie influence aussi mes choix. Ça me conscientise sur la manière dont je vie et change mon regard sur l’impact que j’ai sur mon entourage et mon environnement. Les ressources créées par Compassion m’ont beaucoup apprise sur comment Dieu me voit, la pauvreté et la richesse dans ma propre vie ainsi que ma relation avec mon église et l’église globale. Compassion a influencé comment j’investis dans les jeunes ici au Québec.”
“Each of my kids is unique! I get to be a part of God’s work in each of their lives: praying, writing and enabling their local church (who is doing all the real work!). They are God’s gift to me and I am thankful. Having them part of my life also gives me focus. I choose to live differently because in the back of my mind, I know that how I spend my money and time effects more than just me. Beyond this, Compassion’s articles and resources have taught and challenged me a great deal about how God sees me, my own poverty and wealth, my relationship with my church and the global church, and how I invest in kids in my life here in Québec.”
Name: Rachel and Nicole In
Hometown: Aurora, ON

“I love being a sponsor because I get to experience the joy of seeing Moise and Zara—who are so precious and beautiful—grow in Christ. I love to write and receive letters from them and often I feel that I learn a lot from their passion and love for Jesus. It is simply amazing to see how Jesus can transform lives.” – Nicole
“I love being a sponsor to a child across the globe. The relationship I have with my sponsor children is so encouraging and powerful. Through letters, I am able to see them grow each year physically and spiritually—it is so heart-warming! The best part is that I get to see God’s work. He works incredibly in the lives of the sponsor children, allowing them to draw closer to Him each and every day! They pray for me and I pray for them. My sponsor children hold a very special place in my heart.“ – Rachel
Name: Lori Korman
Hometown: Moosejaw, Saskatchewan

“I’ve seen first-hand how kids and families’ lives have been changed. We have two sponsor children in Bolivia who I visited three years ago, and three in Honduras who I visited with [in February 2019]. I had someone tell me that when I talk about Compassion that my eyes just sparkle and light up. To me, that was the best compliment.”
Name: Judy Myers
Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

“I love being a sponsor to children across the globe. It has changed not only my perspective of the world, but my perspective of God. Seeing God actively at work, shining His light in the dark places and seeing Jesus in the faces of my sponsored children has impacted me in a huge way. Words cannot explain the impact they have made on my life. They are so rich in the most important things—their faith and hope found in Jesus Christ. The incredible blessing and unconditional love I have received from them is a taste of heaven on earth. I feel so honoured and humbled that God would choose me to be His hands and feet to touch the lives of His precious children.”
British Columbia
Name: Sarah Mills
Hometown: Abbotsford, British Columbia

“As a sponsor, I love how sponsorship not only meets the practical needs of children, but more importantly, gives children the opportunity to hear about Jesus. I value the partnerships that Compassion has with the local church and the local community. Last year, I travelled to Kenya for an internship for school and I planned to visit a Compassion child development centre. I was warmly welcomed by local staff, given a tour of the centre and met many children who were attending preschool there. I was introduced to three young adults who had been sponsored for years. They shared how sponsorship has positively impacted their lives and I was able to see how through Compassion’s recognition of their passions, these individuals are now able to give back to the children in their community. When I returned home, it was an easy decision to continue to volunteer at events and encourage others to sponsor children around the world.”