Brianda and her siblings, Santiago and Andrea (pictured above), are all registered in the Compassion program at the local church in their hometown of Santa Clara de Juarez in Mexico. They love reading letters from their sponsors. We asked Brianda and a few of her friends: “What phrases in Spanish would you like your sponsors to know?” Here’s what they said.

I love you.                                                Te quiero.

I like your letters.                              Me gustan tus cartas.

I am praying for you.                       Estoy orando por ti.

Thank you.                                              Gracias.

God bless you.                                       Dios te bendiga.

God loves you.                                      Dios te ama.

Does your sponsored child speak Spanish? Write a few of these phrases on a keepsake card to send your child!


A close up of Justin-- a little boy with a big smile, wearing a button up blue shirt.

Seven-year-old Justin from El Salvador was devastated when one night his dad got in a fight with his mom and decided to leave the family for good. The next day, Justin went to the Compassion centre. He was sad and refused to eat. But his tutor read him a letter from his sponsor that had just arrived. It said*:

“Hello, my handsome boy! Can you do me a favour? Close your eyes, and I will close mine. Now imagine that I am right there with you, hugging you and telling you that I love you so, so much! This is what I wish I could do every day! And I would tell you how much God loves you—and how much he must love me to let me have you in my life.”

Though nothing can take the place of a loving parent, those words made Justin feel special and loved on a day when his entire world seemed to be crashing down. He knew someone out there cared about him and was praying for his family.


Your letter might meet a child at their very moment of need. Write a letter today at

Photography and field reporting by Nora Díaz and Javier Elis; *edited for length

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada