A sneak peek at the next issue of Compassion Today

Written by: Aaron Armstrong

Great news! The next issue of Compassion Today will soon be in your mailbox and we’re thrilled for you to read what’s inside. Here’s a sneak peek:


The stories

Doris MacPherson, a long-time sponsor with Compassion, shares the story of her mother —a woman whose trust in God brought her places she’d never dreamed possible—and her powerful legacy.

And that’s not all:

  • Two lives saved through the Child Survival Program: The Child Survival Program opened in the West African country of Ghana this past year, and already lives are being saved—including Comfort and her baby’s.
  • An Iron Man with a heart for children: He grew up with next to nothing, but now Nagaraj is a successful businessman and Iron Man competitor with a heart for children at his old Compassion centre.
  • An engineer of change: An engineering and economics student in Peru plans to use his expertise to change the daily reality for people living in poverty.
  • From jail to Jesus: One man’s journey from anger to restoration.

The Numbers

Good stewardship is important to you; it’s important to us, too. That’s why we give you a breakdown of our revenue and expenses – how your donations have been used, how many people we’ve served and where – so you can be confident that the money you give goes where it’s supposed to. We want to serve you and our children with integrity so God can continue to do amazing things through this ministry.

The annual report issue of Compassion Today should be arriving soon, so keep a sharp eye on your mailbox—or start reading online now!

Read the new Compassion Today


Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron is the author of several books, including Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation and the End of Poverty.