A sneak peek at the next issue of Compassion Today

Written by: Aveleen Schinkel

It’s that time of year again – soon you’ll be opening the annual report issue of Compassion Today.

We’re excited about what’s inside.

Compassion Canada is celebrating 50 years of giving Canadians an opportunity to release children in poverty – giving them support, encouragement, and hope for a better future. We’re thrilled to reach this incredible milestone – and just after passing 90,000 sponsorships, too! We hope you’ll join us this year, praising God for what he’s done in the past and looking forward to what he has planned for the future.

The Stories

Looking back over the last five decades gives us the perfect opportunity to share just how impacting sponsorship is in the long run. Take a glimpse into the lives of three formerly sponsored children who continue to serve God in their communities and abroad decades later.

And that’s not all.

  • Learn about Jayanti, a woman looked down upon by society who became a leader in her community.
  • Read Richard’s story of meeting his sponsored child – and the amazing change he witnessed in his child’s family.
  • Meet Jonathan, a young student who went from longing for a role model to becoming one.
  • Celebrate with Malee as her family goes from a life of uncertainty to one of security and hope.

We love seeing God change lives, and we love sharing it with you.

The Numbers

Good stewardship is important to you; it’s important to us, too. That’s why we give you a breakdown of our revenue and expenses – how your donations have been used, how many people we’ve served and where – so you can be confident that the money you give goes where it’s supposed to. We want to serve you and our children with integrity so God can continue to do amazing things through this ministry.

The annual report issue of Compassion Today should be arriving soon, so keep a sharp eye on your mailbox—or start reading online now!

Read the new Compassion Today

Aveleen Schinkel

Aveleen Schinkel

Aveleen is Compassion Canada's Senior Video Producer. Her passions include photography, writing, child advocacy and fine arts—and sampling tea from every country she travels to.