Put the Fun into Fundraising!

Written by: Aveleen Schinkel

The sun is hot, the days are long and school is out. It’s summer! And everyone is eager to experience the joys those summer months can bring.

Late-night bonfires, camping and beach days are a lot of fun…but making a difference for someone in need can be, too! A great way to do this is by hosting a fundraising event, which—believe it or not—can be easy to organize and fun for you and your guests. Simply turn one of your summer events into a fundraiser and invite your friends!

But how do you choose what type of fundraiser to host, or what to raise money for?

Here are a few ideas:

Figure out what inspires you most. Be original! Get your creative juices flowing and enlist the help of friends and family. Tap into Compassion’s digital resource guide to help you set goals and get started. Pray for your fundraiser, and as you put your love into action, you’ll see how God blesses your efforts.

A few other tips…

Tell YOUR story. Why does this matter to you? Your friends and family care about you and want to know what you’re passionate about.

Be social. We don’t just mean in person—use social media to your advantage! Create your own hashtag. Tag donors in a thank you post, others who know about your cause, and Compassion Canada. Use social media to get the word out there!

Celebrate milestones. Send updates on how your fundraiser is progressing, whether in person, via email or social media, or even a text message! It will keep those involved in the loop, and it may inspire others to join you.

Recruit the kids. Fundraising provides us with a tangible opportunity to teach our children about the importance of generosity and caring for others. If you’re a parent, ask your children what kind of fundraiser they would hold—then help them plan one!

Fundraising can seem daunting, but with a clear vision of what you want, motivated people supporting you and the resources to help you toward your goal, it might just be the most fun you have all summer!

Download Compassion’s digital resource guide for fundraisers here.

Group of happy children

Aveleen Schinkel

Aveleen Schinkel

Aveleen is Compassion Canada's Senior Video Producer. Her passions include photography, writing, child advocacy and fine arts—and sampling tea from every country she travels to.