For those of us who work at Compassion, what we do every day is more than a job! We like to say that we are “here [at Compassion] for a reason”.

That reason is, of course, the two million children we serve around the world. But more specifically, on each of our desks or some other place of honour, you will find a picture of one—or two or three or more—of those two million children proudly displayed.

Why? Because we are personally invested in releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. It’s a calling that has impacted our lives in powerful ways.

Some of our staff members from various departments recently took the time to share their own personal stories of sponsoring Compassion children. We hope you see how sponsorship not only impacts a child’s life around the world, but changes sponsors’ lives, too!


Emily, Contact Centre Team Lead

Emily leads one of Compassion’s teams that answers your phone, email and live chat inquiries about our ministry and about your sponsorship and support.

A woman and a teenage girl pose together in front of a pond in the mouth of a cave.

Emily had the chance to meet Tuti while on vacation in Indonesia!

“I love my sponsored children Gus and Tuti! Sponsorship isn’t just something I do because I work at Compassion—it is an easy and meaningful way to participate in God’s call to minister to children and to the poor. Being a sponsor keeps my heart softened for the needs of others.

I get the privilege of being invited into their worlds—instead of this being something I might have previously viewed as just meeting a need of an unrelated person in an unknown place. I get the opportunity to personally encourage their families and pray for them. I get to be called ‘Mama Emily’. I get to help equip the church in Bolivia and Indonesia. Don’t get me wrong, working here daily renews my passion for the ministry, but even if my vocational calling changes, my commitment to Gus and Tuti won’t.


Christine, Marketing Project Coordinator and Administrator

Christine supports Compassion’s marketing team through project management and administrative support.

A young boy gives a woman a kiss on the cheek.

David gives Christine a sweet kiss on the cheek during their time together in Honduras.

“I met David two years ago when he was just seven years old. I remember searching the crowd of people seated at the restaurant for a face I knew so well from the small photo hanging on my fridge. It was then that I spotted his face and knew immediately it was David.

He had already eaten half a plate of food by the time I arrived and like most young boys, was eager to do anything but sit. I remember smiling because he reminded me of my own boys—full of energy and curiosity. Although this wide-eyed boy may not know it yet, he has such a big future ahead of him, and I get the honour of supporting him along the way!”


Joe, Field Experience Specialist

You may talk to Joe if you ever want to arrange a visit with your Compassion child. You might also recognize him as the host of Compassion’s Love>Poverty Podcast!

A boy and a man pose together, flexing.

Joe and Fio share a fun moment in the Dominican Republic.

“My wife Ashley and I started sponsoring in 2013. Through personal, emotional and financial hardships, sponsorship has been a blessing to our family. Through sponsoring Eduardo and Fio and corresponding with Gauthier, we have learned that we can trust in God, so that he can use us to be his hands and feet.”


Sharon, Finance Specialist

Sharon tracks expenses, revenue and program expenditures, pays vendors and does important behind-the-scenes stuff that helps keep Compassion Canada operational!

A woman stands with a boy and his father in front of their home.

Sharon with Clarence and his father in front of their home in Ghana. “[My eyes were closed because] I was crying tears of joy,” she shares.


“While on [a sponsor trip to Ghana], we went to a home visit for Clarence, who I was not sponsoring at the time. While walking back to meet the bus, our trip leader said, ‘I think we have Clarence’s child pack with us on the bus.’

Sure enough, we did! At that moment, I knew I had to sponsor him. I said, ‘We have to go back and tell him and his Dad!’ The photographer who was with us on the trip took this picture of me crying tears of joy. Clarence’s dad, Richard, was also crying tears of joy that his son had a sponsor.”


Sheena, Engagement Initiatives and Support Specialist

Sheena provides administration and support for projects and initiatives designed to engage with our sponsors and supporters.

A woman and a girl pose together on a beach.

Sheena and Kimberli visit the beach together in Honduras.

“I have been impacted by sponsoring a child in countless ways. When I came to faith, God instantly gave me a heart for children living in poverty. Sponsoring with Compassion gives me an avenue to act on that. Having a relationship with Kimberli through letters gives me the chance to see her grow, and hearing from her brings me so much joy. Meeting Kimberli was one of the most humbling moments of my life. The simple actions of sponsorship—such as donating money and writing letters—have deepened my understanding of God’s love and His purpose for my life.


John, Compassion Regional Manager, South AB/BC/SK

John manages Compassion’s church and ministry partnerships in southern regions of Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan, with the goal of connecting more children with Canadian sponsors.

A group of people pose for a photo in a narrow alley.

John and his wife with one of their sponsor children, Laura (orange dress), and her family in Kenya.

“As we met each one of our eight sponsor children on our trip to Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda, I began to see how important our presence is in their lives. What I didn’t expect was how important the impact of these visits was for me. When you visit your child’s home, it is no longer simply a visual like it is on TV. You don’t simply see poverty—you smell, hear, feel and taste it. It makes it impossible to reign in your emotions when you see a loved one in the middle of that.

I can no longer live my life the way I did before meeting our kids. I cannot buy something simply because I want it, I cannot waste, and most importantly, I can no longer just stand by and wait for someone else to do something about it. It is my responsibility to do something—and that something has become who I am, until the day I take my final breath.”


We hope you are encouraged and inspired by each of these stories—just a few of the many represented on our passionate staff team!

Will you join us on this life-changing journey of sponsorship?

Sponsor a child

How has sponsorship impacted you? Share in the comments below!

Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa is Compassion Canada's Manager of Content and Public Relations, telling stories that inspire and equip Jesus followers to live compassionate lifestyles. She is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto, where she studied International Development.