My Compassion story

Written by: Compassion Canada

Jenn Phipps is a Volunteer Advocate with Compassion Canada.

I have been volunteering with Compassion Canada for about five years, since 2009. I got started by reading about the Compassion Blogger trips in the U.S.

What makes me most excited about sharing our story is helping existing sponsors engage with their sponsored child and spreading the word about Compassion’s amazing ministry around the world. I love answering questions for new sponsors!

The first time I approached my pastor about hosting a Compassion Sunday, I was very nervous. He was familiar with Compassion but had no firsthand experience, so he was very open to the idea of a short presentation.

The morning of the presentation, we played the short Compassion Sunday video. I shared about Compassion, and my kids talked briefly about our sponsored girls, who were the same ages as our kids. I also read part of a letter from one of our sponsored girls that explained how a small financial gift from us was used to start a family business.

I had great feedback from our church afterwards. People were encouraged to start sponsoring or become more involved with their existing sponsored children.

Some people are slow to warm up to the idea of Compassion, but every year more lives are changed as more children are sponsored!

I appreciate that the Compassion Sunday materials are easy to use or adapt to my own style. The videos are some of my favourites.

If someone is considering being a part of Compassion Sunday, I say do it! God has done and continues to do amazing things through our willingness to be a part of His story. He will equip you with everything you need.

Our involvement with Compassion has truly changed our family. I am so thankful for the opportunities we have had to go on two Exposure Trips, and we are looking forward to bringing our kids along in a few years. Our sponsored kids are part of our family, and we love to talk about them and pray for them regularly. We have stepped out in faith at times, and God has never failed us. Our girls, ages 8 and 10, sponsor three children on their own. We continue to be amazed at how God provides for them!

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada