This season can feel overwhelming in its demands on our time, energy, and generosity. In those moments, it’s helpful to remember that the enormous love of God arrived in modest packaging. Jesus came as a baby in the humbleness of a manger and the obscurity of the small town of Bethlehem. The Christmas story reminds us that even small details can express extravagant love.

This means that as we imitate Christ, we are invited to start small. We can serve the neighbours within our reach. We can make new friends and honor old ones. We can pay attention so that others feel seen and known. With one small act, we can reflect the love of Christ and be a gift to those around us.

The boy in this video showed great kindness and love because of three things. First, he took notice. Compassion requires attention. Second, he decided to help. Compassion is an action. And lastly, he invited others in. Compassion is about community.

A cartoon depiction of a church building at night with people leaving the doors

In a year that sometimes felt like it languished, these types of small acts by ordinary people were what reminded us of the incomparable, unstoppable love of Christ. This Christmas, we want to say thank you for all the ways that you have expressed compassion this year. Every small act is a good gift that matters.


The gifts of attention, action and community unwrap the love of God in the lives of others.

Is there one small act you can do today?

Explore these good gifts

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada