As we celebrate National Volunteer Week, we want to share some truly inspiring stories of Compassion volunteers with you. These incredible volunteers are of all ages and are using their gifts, talents and passions to help release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

Come on, let’s meet them!


Hadassah H. from Barrie, Ontario

Meet Hadassah.

This amazing 11-year-old is a lover of music and all things Compassion. When she learned about the story of Saviour—a sweet 5-year-old boy from Uganda with a life-threatening heart condition—she was deeply moved. For Hadassah, Saviour’s story particularly hit home.

“As an 11-year-old girl,” says Hadassah, “I cannot imagine having to face my own death or the end of my own brother’s life, who himself had heart trouble when he was young.”

Hadassah sharing about her benefit concert for Saviour at a local grocery store.

Hadassah knew she had to do something to ensure Saviour received his second surgery. So, with the help of her dad, Hadassah organized a free benefit concert at her church on February 15th. She called it, Music for his Heart.

“Saviour needed $32,000 for his life-saving surgery,” says Hadassah.

“In a country where 41.7 per cent of the population lives on less than $1.90 per day, that is a lifetime of wages. To bring hope, I organized a fundraising concert for Saviour’s surgery. My friends—professionals and juniors alike—participated to give Saviour and his family a chance for a long and happy life together.”

Hadassah performing at her benefit concert.

Hadassah encouraged friends, local neighbours and even local radio listeners to share in Saviour’s journey to healing by attending the concert and donating what they could to help.

The concert included professional musicians like David McFadden—violinist and pianist—and piano-vocalist hybrids, Bruce Tournay and Julia Boutenko. It also showcased other local young talents including Hadassah and her siblings.

To date, Hadassah has raised over $5,000 for Saviour and his surgery!

Incredible work, Hadassah!


Cameron C. from Richmond, British Columbia

Meet Cameron.

Cameron loves Compassion. His family supports a child in Uganda. Last summer, Cameron decided with his friends to put his love for others in action.

“In the summer, we learned about different missionary stories from Tales of the Not Forgotten by Beth Guckenberger. Our pastor challenged all the kids to make groups and think of things we could do to help others. We got to choose how we could show God’s love and what organization we wanted to support. We chose Compassion. And we wanted to pick water because we learned that water gives life. I had a good group of friends working together,” Cameron says.

So, with his friends, Cameron organized a Nerf Gun Party that winter called The Battle for Compassion at a local amusement centre in Richmond.

“All the proceeds of our entrance fee [were] donated to Compassion— $10 a person,” says Cameron. “Our idea was to use that money we raised to purchase different water items through Compassion.”

Cameron’s dad, Noah (middle), shares about Compassion with the group with his son, Cameron (far right).

On the night of the big event, Cameron was elated to see the event had sold out, with 50 kids and adults ready for some fun! From entrance fees alone, Cameron raised over $500 to go towards Compassion water initiatives, like Water Wells, Water Filters, Washrooms and Hygiene Training and Safe Water Bundles.

For any additional donations, Cameron’s dad had a laptop available with the Compassion website and some Gifts of Compassion catalogues.

Way to go, Cameron!


Sheila H. from London, Ontario

Meet Sheila.

Sheila has a passion for quilting that she is using for the good of others! Through her quilting business, Much Love, Sheila raises funds for mothers and babies living in poverty through Compassion’s Survival program.

“I love to make beautiful, colourful quilts,” says Sheila. “I’ve seen the work [of Survival programs] first hand in Nicaragua and I can’t tell you how much it is a blessing to moms in extreme poverty to have the support to get a good start for their child and hope for the future.”

One of Sheila’s beautiful quilts.

To date, Sheila has raised $28,000 for Compassion’s Survival programs in Nicaragua and Uganda in collaboration with The Mama’s Physio in London, Ontario. Currently, she is sewing masks for COVID-19 and receiving donations that will be directed to Compassion’s COVID-19 Disaster Relief Fund.

All proceeds of Sheila’s creations go to Compassion’s initiatives. You can find her quilts on her Facebook and Instagram pages!

 Thank you for your creative work, Sheila, in quite literally blanketing others in compassion.


Do you know anyone using their passions, skills and talents to help lift children and families out of poverty? Share with us in the comments and on social media!

Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips is a Content Specialist at Compassion Canada. She is passionate about pursuing justice and mercy through writing, crafting, music, and sharing stories over a cup of strong coffee.