This article was originally published in Compassion Canada’s Summer 2020 Magazine.

Did you know that your generous giving provides individualized care through each stage of a child’s development?

Our local church partners are experts committed to every child’s wellbeing. They truly know and love the kids! Your giving empowers them to invest in each child.

Here’s how we track the journey of a child’s development:

  • We look at multiple measures at each centre in every country to assess the journey of the child’s development.
  • In each stage of development, we look for age-appropriate goals for each child to ensure they grow in four areas: physically, cognitively, relationally, spiritually.

What do we track?

Below is an example of some of the measures we use in each area for a four-year-old child in our program who is benefitting from your one-to-one sponsorship.


  • Physically healthy (normal weight and height, reduced incidence of common health issues)
  • Practises good basic hygiene habits like washing hands
  • Can differentiate between good and bad touch


  • Can identify some numbers, letters, coins and colours
  • Can verbally communicate simple desires, stories or activities
  • Can place things in sequence (short to tall) or identify opposites and follow simple instructions


  • Demonstrates respect for others
  • Expresses their feelings, needs and wishes in an appropriate manner
  • Makes friends and demonstrates traits of a good friend (shares, collaborates and helps)


  • Recognizes that God loves them
  • Can retell or answer questions about Bible stories
  • Is able to say a prayer or sing a worship song


Read more stories from Compassion’s Summer Magazine today!

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada