Hurricane Patricia: A call to prayer, updated

Written by: Compassion Canada

Awake at Night

Update, October 24th: Praise God! Hurricane Patricia in Mexico has been significantly less catastrophic than predicted so far and is now only categorized as a tropical storm. Its path isn’t projected to pass over any Compassion centres (see map). Omar Villagran, Country Director for Compassion Mexico, said “according to the path of the hurricane, it is not expected that any of our church partners will be impacted. … There will be some heavy rains that could cause floods, so we will be watching over the situation. … We thank you for your care and prayers for our country.”


The strongest hurricane ever recorded is set to make landfall in Mexico this afternoon or evening. Hurricane Patricia is a category 5 storm, which is stronger than the storm that hit New Orleans in 2005. We can only imagine the extent of the damage it will cause, especially to the homes of those who live in poverty. The fear that must be gripping the hearts of these precious people must surely bring us to our knees as we petition God for their protection and well-being.

Although the eye of the hurricane is projected to hit north and west of the bulk of our Compassion centres, the devastation will be widespread. Our 205 partner churches are preparing to become shelters of refuge, and our Compassion office is implementing its disaster plan. There are 35,000 children and their families in our Compassion Mexico program. We have assured them of our prayerful and heartfelt support.

I am asking our Compassion family to take time over these next few hours this afternoon and this evening to pray earnestly for God’s hand of mercy and protection. Please be in prayer as you work and go about your daily activities. But please don’t stop there; take time to gather together with family and friends to do exactly what you would hope others would do for you if you found yourself in the same horrific situation.

There is tremendous power in prayer, and that power is multiplied by unity. When we join together with another person, the Bible teaches that our prayers are magnified. So, please, find someone and call out to God on behalf of the people of Mexico, especially those of the family of God.

Believing together,

Barry Slauenwhite, President and CEO

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada