Porch visits, Zoom calls and socially distant coffee in parking lots. Connecting these days hasn’t been easy. We’ve had to be creative and reinvent what connection looks like.

But if there’s one thing the world has learned from the pandemic so far, is that we need connection to thrive. Even in a pandemic, our relationships require creative and frequent attention.

And when it comes to our relationship with our sponsored children, connecting may seem even harder. Though you might feel distant from them at the moment, know that your sponsorship is still making an incredible impact. Letter deliveries may be slower, but the need for your sponsored child to feel your love and support is not!

Here are three ways to connect with your sponsored child, even during a global pandemic.


1) Write a letter

Young woman wearing a pink shirt and jean jacket holds a letter and a pen

Yes, still!

During the temporary closure of most of our national offices and the pausing of group activities at most of Compassion centres, letters written between children and sponsors will be delayed, but still delivered!

We highly encourage you to continue to write letters of encouragement. They will be a huge gift once your sponsored child can receive them. Know that they can’t wait to write you back, whether they’re able to do so right away from home or have to wait until their Compassion centre reopens.

Don’t know what to write? Here are a few quick tips:

  • Ask how your sponsored child and their family are doing lately. It’s okay to mention COVID-19, but don’t be too specific. Keep your questions focused on feelings, not events to respect their privacy.
  • Share about what you and your family have been doing during isolation
  • Talk about what God has been teaching you in this time
  • Share with them an encouraging verse that has been helpful for you

You can find more helpful tips on letter-writing during a pandemic here!


2) Send a one-time gift

Little girl wears a red mask and hugs a bag of beans

Your monthly sponsorship gives your child access to the basics they need to thrive. But there are times when we all want to go beyond “the basics”. When we want to take an additional opportunity to bless our child and provide for special needs that they or their family have, particularly in a pandemic, our one-time sponsor gifts give you the opportunity to do exactly that!

A hundred per cent of every sponsor gift goes directly to your sponsored child, their family or their Compassion centre, depending on where you choose to designate it. We encourage you to send a birthday or graduation gift on those special occasions, but did you can also send a gift anytime!

You may choose to give a:

  • Child Gift: This gift meets your sponsored child’s specific needs identified by their family and centre staff. This gift can only be given once per year.
  • Family Gift: This gift meets the specific needs of your sponsored child’s whole family.
  • Child Development Centre Gift: This gift meets specific needs identified by your sponsored child’s family and centre staff.

Compassion centre staff assist children and their families to ensure funds are used appropriately and to discuss how to best use the gift to benefit the child and family. If you have a specific gift in mind, we will forward your suggestion, but ultimately the child or their family will make the final decision.

Gifts serve as a huge encouragement to families at any time, but especially now.

Little girl on her couch surrounded in packaged foods, smiling

The pandemic has left five-year-old Débora from Brazil and her family without much. Her parents have lost their jobs and their only income is government aid. They’ve been supported by Débora’s Compassion centre through food and hygiene kits. They were starting to feel like things were looking up.

When Débora received an unexpected one-time from her sponsors, they were even more encouraged. With the gift, Débora’s family was able to buy clothing, food and furniture for their home.

“The help from Débora’s sponsors was a special blessing over our home. Everything came at the right time when we needed it most. More than the gifts we received, it was beautiful to know that they really care about us,” shared Deborah’s mom, Jaqueline.


3) Pray, pray, pray!

Little boy in a hoodie in praying

This one might seem a bit simple, but as it says in James 5:16, the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Praying for your sponsored child and their family is hugely impactful and can make a major difference in their lives. But sometimes, especially in a global pandemic, it can be hard to know what you should be praying for.

Here are a few ideas of what to pray for:

  • Pray against fear, and for God’s perfect peace to surround your sponsored child and their family
  • Pray for protection against sickness and disease for each family member
  • Pray for all of their physical needs to be met
  • Pray for employment opportunities and provision for your sponsored child’s caregivers


You can write to, pray for and send a one-time gift to your sponsored child all in one place! Go to your My Compassion account to send some encouragement today.

Go to My Compassion now! 

Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips

Laura Phillips is a Content Specialist at Compassion Canada. She is passionate about pursuing justice and mercy through writing, crafting, music, and sharing stories over a cup of strong coffee.