Help teens in Peru trade gangs for business

Written by: Aaron Armstrong

Meet a real need and bring real joy this Christmas with a Gift of Compassion.

“My husband and I came from a mining town in the Andes and did not have the same opportunities our children have now, especially at the Compassion program,” says Elizabeth, mother of Juan Carlos.

Elizabeth’s family lives on the steep slopes of the hills outside Lima, Peru. Many teenagers here join the gangs that roam the hills at night, mugging passersby.

But Juan Carlos is learning skills to earn an honest dollar through small business and silk-screening classes at the Compassion centre. He’s quite the salesman, and has already sold shirts to his relatives, neighbours and classmates. Juan Carlos wants to be an entrepreneur when he grows up, and is learning business skills that will give him a different future from the gangs in his neighbourhood.

This Christmas, you can bless your friends and family and help kids learn skills to get out of poverty with a Gift of Compassion:

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Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron is the author of several books, including Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation and the End of Poverty.