He is risen! Today, we celebrate Christ’s victory over death. In our world of poverty, brokenness, injustice and despair, we have this hope. Jesus is making all things new.

A group of Compassion kids in Ecuador recently shared their reflections on what celebrating Easter means to them.


Vilma, Salome, Sara, and Abigail are all wearing traditional clothing. They are looking up at the camera and Vilma is holding a sign that says, "He died for you."

“It is a day of celebration because Jesus gave us eternal life and freedom. We celebrate by singing songs and praying.”

– Sara, 10


All seven children are wearing traditional clothing. They are kneeling down outside and one of the children is holding a signi that says, "Savior of the World."

“Jesus is like a superhero because he was resurrected. No other superhero can do that. Jesus teaches us that we don’t have to live in fear because He is super powerful.”

– Cristian, 10


Mateo, Salome, and Sara, are pointing to the camera. They are wearing traditional clothes and one is holding a sign that says, "He died for you."

“Jesus died for everyone, for good people, and for bad people, but Jesus wants us to be good.”

– Salomé, 10


Mateo is wearing traditional clothing and is holding a sign that says, "Savior of the World."

“Jesus came from far away to save the world, those of us who speak Spanish and those who speak English as well. Because Jesus also speaks English and Chinese.”

– Mateo, 8


Cristian, Abigail, and Wilma are wearing traditional clothing and one of the girls is holding a sign that says, "He is alive."

“We celebrate that Jesus is more powerful than everything. Jesus is more powerful than death.”

– Abigail, 7


Happy Easter from the global Compassion family!


Photos and field reporting by Nico Benalcazar.

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada