Global Day of Prayer for India

Written by: Compassion Canada

Would you join us in praying for Compassion India?

Our work in India

Since 1968, we have worked with local partners in India to provide our holistic child development program for children living in poverty. Our 510 partners in East and South India support more than 130,000 babies, children and young adults.

Earlier this year, the Indian government placed restrictions on Compassion International and many other foreign NGOs which meant we were unable to send funds to our local partners in India. Many of these partners have been able to continue program activities but at a limited capacity. They have cut back on things like the number of days the Compassion centre operated and served snacks instead of full meals. Today, most of the centres have very little money left and will soon have to suspend activities completely.

We’ve been working closely with the Indian government and have complied with all their requests, including re-registration and government approval of all our local partners. However, despite our best efforts, the situation has not improved.

We have ensured all affected sponsors have been informed regularly throughout this situation. We have not offered children from India for sponsorship since this issue arose.

Please pray

This situation is serious, but we know our God is good! We are still hoping to see a breakthrough in this situation and need you to join us in prayer. We believe this is the most valuable way you can help the children we support in India.

Please join us and pray for:

  • Our local partners in India, that despite having very few funds left, they are able to continue to deliver support and care for the children in their communities for as long as possible.
  • Those in senior positions in the Indian government, that they will deliver a favourable outcome for Compassion which allows our work in India to continue.
  • The U.S. government. Today, on December 6, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives will hear testimony from Compassion on behalf of the 130,000 children we serve in India. Please pray for Compassion staff as they prepare for this, and that the U.S. government will respond positively and advocate strongly on behalf of the children in our care.
  • Above all, pray for the children living in poverty in India, that their needs are prioritized by everyone involved in these negotiations, and that we are allowed to continue serving them.

The vulnerable children we work with in India continue to be our greatest concern and utmost priority. Please continue to stand with us in prayer for a swift resolution to this situation that will allow us to continue our work serving children in poverty in India.

We will update this page with more information and prayer points as they become available. Our colleagues in the U.S. have created a blog post with more information on the background of the situation and their preparations for today’s testimony. At present, we are not asking Canadian supporters to contact their MPs about the situation.

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada