Allison Alley, President and CEO of Compassion Canada, recently sat down with Jason Ballard on the Canadian Church Leaders Podcast to talk about Compassion’s work and why the church is God’s Plan A for bringing love, hope and healing into the world.

“We want to exchange relationship not just resources between the resourced and under resourced churches of the world.”
Allison Alley

Listen to the full interview on: Spotify | Apple | Google

In this episode Jason and Allison discuss:

  • Love for the church and the poor
  • The work of Compassion around the world
  • How and why Compassion works with local churches, both for theological and practical reasons
  • Allison’s journey from a successful career in the finance industry to high-level leadership in the non-profit sphere
  • The impact of the COVID-19 on the most vulnerable around the world
  • How the virus has disproportionately impacted the poor and vulnerable
  • The incredible hope amidst the devastation of the pandemic

Make sure you tune in to the end to hear Allison’s stirring appeal to church leaders, inviting them to partner with the work of Compassion during this global crisis.