It’s officially been more than two months since we’ve been staying home to stop the spread of COVID-19. If you’re like most Canadians, you likely feel like you’ve consumed more content in the past two months than you ever have before.

If you’re looking for something new to engage with, why not try one of Compassion’s resources? We are passionate about putting compelling and compassionate content into the hands of Jesus-followers—to educate, inspire and spur on your lifestyles of compassion and justice.

Take the quiz below to find out which resource is best for you!

Note: Due to COVID-19, we are currently unable to fulfill requests for physical copies of our resources. Fortunately, digital downloads are available—visit


My goal is to…

A. Have fun with my kids while expanding their perspective on the world.
B. Understand how God is inviting me into mission as a young person.
C. Understand how my lifestyle impacts the world.
D. Learn more about Compassion’s ministry.

Pick a quote:

A. “God gives us enough to enjoy and enough to share.”
B. “We want to help those in need, but where do we start—and what does God expect of us?”
C. “See the world in a different way—the way God sees it.”
D. “We believe that participation in God’s work sparks transformation in every life involved.”

Pick a photo:

A - two children baking; B - a teen on their laptop; C - a open book and journal; D - a group of indigenous children in Thailand.

Where can you be found on a quarantine Friday night?

A. Putting my kids to bed
B. Watching Netflix
C. Journalling
D. Dreaming about travelling

I’m looking for…

A. Fun, kid-friendly activities to do as a family
B. A deep dive into scripture
C. An opportunity for self-reflection
D. Inspiring stories


Results: If you chose…

Mostly A’s: Step Into My Shoes / Explorer Magazine

Bonus—you get two resource suggestions! We’re all about kids here at Compassion, and that goes for our kids here in Canada, too. That’s why we created Step Into My Shoes and Explorer Magazine.

Step Into My Shoes graphic

Step Into My Shoes is a seven-step devotional that invites your family to step into the shoes of a family from Uganda to learn about poverty and what it looks like to live from enough. Download the experience at

Explorer Magazine cover

Explorer Magazine is filled with activities, printables, devotionals, stories, recipes, games and more to helps kids stay busy while learning about the world around them. Find everything online at

Mostly B’s: True Story

True Story graphic

Calling all teens! We know it’s tough to be apart from your friends right now… but what better time to gather a virtual group to learn what the Bible says about poverty and what God wants us to do about it? True Story is a series designed to help students discover their role in God’s story of redemption for this broken world. Grab a youth leader and head to to download the guide!

Mostly C’s: Eyes to See

Eyes to See graphic

This time of slowing down can be a great opportunity to take inventory of your lifestyle and relationships and how they are part of reflecting God’s love to a world in need. Eyes to See is a six-week book and film series that frames poverty as relational, and invites God’s redemption and restoration into our core relationships: with ourselves, with Him, with others and with the world around us. This resource is designed for both individuals or small groups! Download everything you need at

Mostly D’s: Compassion Magazine

Compassion magazine cover

The Compassion Magazine is the place to find a collection of inspirational and informative stories and articles about Compassion’s ministry. Look out for the Summer 2020 issue in your mailbox soon, and download a PDF version of the Compassion Magazine at

Don’t forget, you can always find compelling stories about Compassion’s ministry to read and share here on the Compassion Canada blog, too.


See all Compassion resources

Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa Esparaz

Alyssa is Compassion Canada's Manager of Content and Public Relations, telling stories that inspire and equip Jesus followers to live compassionate lifestyles. She is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto, where she studied International Development.