Compassion: 2012 by the numbers

Written by: Amber Van Schooneveld

You helped make a lot possible in 2012. Here is a quick look at Compassion by the numbers:

Child IconChild Survival Program

  • We’re ministering to 27,343 babies and their caregivers in 18 countries.
  • Canadian support of the Child Survival Program grew by 158 per cent in 2012!
  • 2,662 babies were safely delivered.
  • 3,961 mothers professed faith in Jesus Christ.
Kid Icon

Child Sponsorship Program

  • We’re ministering to 1,340,813 children in 26 countries.
  • In 2012, Canadians were sponsoring 88,160 children.
  • 249,795 age-appropriate Bibles were distributed to sponsored children.
  • 138,879 children made a first-time profession of faith in Jesus Christ—that’s slightly more than the population of Moncton, New Brunswick!
Education Icon

Leadership Development Program

  • We’re ministering to 2,939 students in 19 countries.
  • 388 students successfully completed the Leadership Development Program in 2012.
  • Student outreach missions resulted in over 10,000 people hearing the gospel and over 500 people coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
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Response Programs

  • In Canada, giving to Compassion’s Response Programs increased by 23.9 per cent in 2012.
  • We completed construction on two churches destroyed by the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and began construction on five others.
  • We provided disaster relief and recovery for families impacted by civil unrest, drought, fires, floods, and other natural disasters worldwide.

Financial Integrity

This year, we used 85.3 per cent of funds raised for program activities and 14.7 for fundraising and administration:

Financial Chart

Compassion Magazine

Want to know even more? Read Compassion’s 2012 Annual Report, where you’ll learn how your support is helping children around the world develop healthy minds, bodies and relationships while discovering God’s love for them in Jesus Christ.

Download the 2012 annual report

Amber Van Schooneveld

Amber Van Schooneveld

Amber Van Schooneveld is the Managing Editor of Compassion International's blog.