Search Results

We found 74 results for the Sponsors taking action category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Connie’s legacy of love

Connie’s legacy of love

“Only eternity will reveal the impact of one imperfect life given wholly to Jesus.” This was Connie Lawson—an imperfect life lived fully for Christ from her childhood decision to accept Him as her Saviour until her final breath. Her timeless legacy continues to have immeasurable impact because of her unwavering faith. In 2015, the celebratory […]

date: March 29, 2023
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Links to Compassionate Canadians: Compassion comes alive from coast to coast

Compassionate Canadians: Compassion comes alive from coast to coast

If you’ve ever travelled abroad, you may have had this experience… a joyful reaction when you share with someone that you are Canadian. There is a reason why you are welcomed with smiles and good-natured greetings, even if the only thing they know about you is your nationality. Canadians are known to be polite, thoughtful […]

date: June 23, 2022
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Links to Dear sponsor, your letters are a lifeline…with love, your sponsored child.

Dear sponsor, your letters are a lifeline…with love, your sponsored child.

Letters have the power to transcend time. A thoughtful letter can be treasured for years. Ask anyone who’s ever received one, they’d describe the glee they felt when they first pulled out that envelope from the letter box and how tears pooled in their eyes as they read words that almost immediately encouraged, uplifted, and […]

date: May 18, 2022
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Links to Can sponsorship change everything? Hear it from six Compassion alumni

Can sponsorship change everything? Hear it from six Compassion alumni

In the face of the enormity of poverty in our increasingly complex world, it can be hard to see the tangible ways our efforts make an impact. Sometimes, it can even be hard to see God at work around us. But when we lean in and listen, there is a glorious invitation: Come and see […]

date: March 11, 2022
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Links to More than a passing grade

More than a passing grade

Grade 11, right after lunch. The sun has warmed the classroom to nap-inducing temperatures and the staccato clacking of chalk on a dusty blackboard is the only thing keeping you awake—and yet strangely, also lulling you into a stupor. You look over your next assignment without fully understanding it and suddenly find yourself wondering, “Is […]

date: September 7, 2021
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Links to Free downloadable wallpapers to say: thank you

Free downloadable wallpapers to say: thank you

Over the past several months, we’ve invited you to explore the good life with us. We were motivated by a simple idea: even in the midst of a global pandemic that has stolen so much good, we can choose to do good right now. And you did. You’ve embodied the scripture that has been our […]

date: September 7, 2021
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Links to Back-to-school: 7 Questions with a Canadian teacher

Back-to-school: 7 Questions with a Canadian teacher

All across the country, parents are pulling out backpacks, replacing too-small running shoes, and wracking their brains for lunchbox combinations that won’t come home rejected. Teachers are setting up lessons and desks, preparing for the rush of noise, questions and energy that will wake their slumbering schoolrooms. It’s back-to-school time. It’s no secret that we […]

date: September 1, 2021
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Links to WATCH: Toronto teen speaks about making a difference for children in poverty

WATCH: Toronto teen speaks about making a difference for children in poverty

In February, Compassion partnered with Inspire Our Nation at the INSPIRE Youth Speakers’ Bootcamp. Teens had the opportunity to hear from speakers across Canada, learn and practice communication skills and prepare their own 5-minute talk on a topic of their choice. We were so inspired by the teens who shared about their faith, mental health, […]

date: August 11, 2021
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Links to Calling all kids! Let’s explore what it means to do good right now.

Calling all kids! Let’s explore what it means to do good right now.

Did you know Compassion has an awesome magazine just for kids? The summer edition of Compassion Explorer is here and we have a fun challenge for all those adventurous kids out there! Pull up the magazine on your favourite device or order a copy so you can peruse through the pages to find the three […]

date: July 20, 2021
comments: 0 comments
Links to 5 life-changing letter writing tips for you

5 life-changing letter writing tips for you

Share this video! Share on Facebook | Share on Instagram ____ Along the path outside her home that leads to the local church, six-year-old Fortune regularly saw her peers excitedly walking home, a treasured letter from their sponsor clutched in their hands. She longed to know what it felt like to receive a letter from […]

date: June 29, 2021
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