Search Results

We found 68 results for the Covid-19-Response category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Then, now, tomorrow at Compassion: Every step forward impacts a child’s life

Then, now, tomorrow at Compassion: Every step forward impacts a child’s life

Ministry is a study of seasons. God, in His wisdom, knows the rise and fall of seasons—times to grow, times to rest, times to change, times to anchor—work together for our ultimate good. Just the way that seasons bring a life-giving rhythm to nature, our personal lives and our communities, they also produce strength and […]

date: March 23, 2022
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Links to Two Compassion recipes with a generous helping of love

Two Compassion recipes with a generous helping of love

Tea is a hug in a mug; noodle soup is comfort for the soul. Food is a familiar comfort we all reach for—there are few things that speak love like a home-cooked meal. It’s a universal language of provision, nourishment, recharging. And when done in community, it fosters connection and warmth. ____ In COVID-19, poverty […]

date: March 10, 2022
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Links to Our 2021 Impact Report is here: highlighting sustained impact through a global crisis

Our 2021 Impact Report is here: highlighting sustained impact through a global crisis

We know you want to give with confidence. That’s the heart behind our annual Impact Report, which is now available for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Read the 2021 Impact Report Representing a full year of work during the global COVID-19 pandemic in 25 countries around the world, this year’s report highlights sustained impact, innovative adaptability […]

date: November 10, 2021
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Links to A full heart: A local church’s support remains steady through COVID-19

A full heart: A local church’s support remains steady through COVID-19

Luis’ smile is one that lights up the whole room. When he was just three years old, Luis was registered at the Compassion centre in his community in Colombia. Now eight years old, his joy is infectious and his warm disposition is loved by all at the Compassion centre. As much as Luis is loved, […]

date: September 15, 2021
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Links to ‘A letter to my grandson’: A story of hope in the face of suffering

‘A letter to my grandson’: A story of hope in the face of suffering

I remember how happy I felt when I saw my grandson, baby Deinner, for the first time. Despite the pain, there he was: so innocent, so beautiful, reminding me of God’s love. I started to cry when I finally held him in my arms, feeling that mix of deep sadness and happiness. He was born […]

date: September 10, 2021
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Links to More than a passing grade

More than a passing grade

Grade 11, right after lunch. The sun has warmed the classroom to nap-inducing temperatures and the staccato clacking of chalk on a dusty blackboard is the only thing keeping you awake—and yet strangely, also lulling you into a stupor. You look over your next assignment without fully understanding it and suddenly find yourself wondering, “Is […]

date: September 7, 2021
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Links to ‘Help me be brave’: COVID-19’s impact on a fishing community in Indonesia

‘Help me be brave’: COVID-19’s impact on a fishing community in Indonesia

In a small fishing community in Indonesia, 11-year-old Keilah sits cross-legged on her bed, her face silhouetted by the soft glow of a torch. Her hands are clasped tightly together under her chin, eyes closed. Her mouth moves silently. As the pandemic wears on, her prayers have become increasingly urgent. “Please help this to end […]

date: August 24, 2021
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Links to Your pandemic impact: over 8 million people and 250 million meals

Your pandemic impact: over 8 million people and 250 million meals

Many Compassion supporters know that we currently serve over 2 million children around the world who are registered in our holistic child development program. But we’re excited to share a new number with you today. Local Compassion centres have shifted their approach to programming through the pandemic to provide emergency support to children and their […]

date: July 2, 2021
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Links to “Love your Neighbour”: When kids learn what it means to step up for one another

“Love your Neighbour”: When kids learn what it means to step up for one another

Guest post by Halina Rose, teacher and Compassion volunteer from Québec. June is a good time to celebrate teachers! Possibly because we don’t have to see them until September… As a teacher, I don’t take this personally. I need the break too! In fact, the last six weeks of school are enough to bring many teachers to […]

date: June 23, 2021
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Links to Spinning with joy: 10-year-old Suleyma in El Salvador wins national talent competition

Spinning with joy: 10-year-old Suleyma in El Salvador wins national talent competition

What do you do when you lose the person who inspired your dreams, just as you were reaching for the next step in that dream? What do you do when you doubt if your gifts and talents are valid? How do you stay inspired in the midst of a global pandemic? All this and more […]

date: May 27, 2021
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