Search Results

We found 18 results for the Letter Writing category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Want to boost your impact as a sponsor? Write a letter!

Want to boost your impact as a sponsor? Write a letter!

in·del·i·ble (adjective) (a) that cannot be removed, washed away, or erased, (b) making marks that cannot easily be removed, (c) lasting, (d) unforgettable, memorable. (Merriam-Webster)  When was the last time you tried to get permanent marker off something that it was not supposed to go on? Maybe you accidentally swiped it across your shirt when […]

date: January 31, 2023
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Links to Christmas in October? Why we think it’s okay to get festive this month

Christmas in October? Why we think it’s okay to get festive this month

There are two types of people. For some, the mention of Christmas plans in October has them putting their fingers in their ears and exclaiming “la la la la!” to drown out the news that we are approaching the holiday season. For others, mentioning Christmas in October has them running to put on Christmas tunes […]

date: October 21, 2021
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Links to What are you thankful for? 5 Compassion kids count their blessings

What are you thankful for? 5 Compassion kids count their blessings

In a world filled with uncertainties, suffering, poverty and all kinds of injustice, it starts to become difficult to find things to be thankful for. When our hearts are hurting from the brokenness we experience around us, our blessings are easily unseen—our lenses blurred. But if we clean the glass and take a second look, […]

date: October 7, 2021
comments: 0 comments
Links to Back-to-school: 7 Questions with a Canadian teacher

Back-to-school: 7 Questions with a Canadian teacher

All across the country, parents are pulling out backpacks, replacing too-small running shoes, and wracking their brains for lunchbox combinations that won’t come home rejected. Teachers are setting up lessons and desks, preparing for the rush of noise, questions and energy that will wake their slumbering schoolrooms. It’s back-to-school time. It’s no secret that we […]

date: September 1, 2021
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Links to 5 life-changing letter writing tips for you

5 life-changing letter writing tips for you

Share this video! Share on Facebook | Share on Instagram ____ Along the path outside her home that leads to the local church, six-year-old Fortune regularly saw her peers excitedly walking home, a treasured letter from their sponsor clutched in their hands. She longed to know what it felt like to receive a letter from […]

date: June 29, 2021
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Links to More than words: How a letter became a lifeline in a pandemic

More than words: How a letter became a lifeline in a pandemic

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Akhi rolled over and fumbled to turn off her alarm as it startled her awake. The buttery glow of the morning sun filtered through her green mosquito net as she pulled the edges out from where they were tucked under her mattress. As her feet hit the ground she started to go […]

date: May 12, 2021
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Links to 10 inspiring moments we’re thankful for this year

10 inspiring moments we’re thankful for this year

2020 has been tough, but this Thanksgiving, we are choosing to be grateful for the amazing things God’s done through Compassion this year!

date: October 8, 2020
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Links to How to write your sponsored child in a time of crisis

How to write your sponsored child in a time of crisis

In this season, you might find yourself wondering about the safety and health of the child you sponsor. Maybe you’re longing to communicate with them—ask how they’re doing, tell them that you’re praying for them. These are great questions to be asking. They reveal your heart for children in poverty, which gives us so much […]

date: May 14, 2020
comments: 0 comments
Links to The most popular baby names around the world

The most popular baby names around the world

Compassion serves more than two million children in 27 countries—that’s a lot of names! Check out the top 2 names for boys and girls in our programs across the world, as well as their meanings.

date: May 5, 2020
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Links to This girl memorizes her sponsor’s letters

This girl memorizes her sponsor’s letters

Think your letters don’t matter? Think again—Lizbeth values her sponsor’s letters so much that she memorizes them! When we look at the big picture of the life of a child living in poverty, writing a letter can feel like we’re not doing enough. Filling a page with words seems trivial next to an empty belly […]

date: March 5, 2020
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