Search Results

We found 52 results for the Good News category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Class of 2023: Five Compassion graduates start a new chapter

Class of 2023: Five Compassion graduates start a new chapter

Sometimes, endings are just the beginning of a new adventure!  This June, graduates across Canada are tossing caps into the air in honour of their achievements, endurance and dreams! While for some, it can be bittersweet to leave behind friends and memories, graduation isn’t something to fear. It signals that the preparation is done, and […]

date: June 2, 2023
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Links to 9 years of care: How Compassion’s child development model helped these triplets

9 years of care: How Compassion’s child development model helped these triplets

At Compassion, we are passionate about holistic child development. This means we don’t simply respond to poverty by handing out food or Bibles. Instead, we seek to develop children in all the different aspects of their lives while equipping local churches to share the love of Jesus with them and to journey with them through […]

date: May 23, 2023
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Links to Then, now, tomorrow at Compassion: Every step forward impacts a child’s life

Then, now, tomorrow at Compassion: Every step forward impacts a child’s life

Ministry is a study of seasons. God, in His wisdom, knows the rise and fall of seasons—times to grow, times to rest, times to change, times to anchor—work together for our ultimate good. Just the way that seasons bring a life-giving rhythm to nature, our personal lives and our communities, they also produce strength and […]

date: March 23, 2022
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Links to Top 10 blogs of 2021: year in review

Top 10 blogs of 2021: year in review

Stories. They are so simple, yet so powerful. They can shape our perspective of the world, inspire and anger us, cause great joy and deep sorrow. Your stories, others’ stories, our stories. We’re so thankful for the way you engaged with the stories of children living in poverty this year and allowed them to intersect […]

date: December 28, 2021
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Links to Where are they now? Ten students received the gift of tuition

Where are they now? Ten students received the gift of tuition

It happens to all of us. We pick out the perfect gift for someone, wrap it up and deliver it with lots of love. Then, time passes and you wonder… Did my gift have an impact? It is a joy to know the gifts we give have made an impact. We know it is no […]

date: December 3, 2021
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Links to Kirk Franklin re-releases “Lean on Me” with The Compassion Youth Choir

Kirk Franklin re-releases “Lean on Me” with The Compassion Youth Choir

Get the song ____ Following an early 2020 trip with Compassion to the Dominican Republic, Grammy-winning gospel artist Kirk Franklin felt God telling him to use his musical talents to inspire and encourage youth around the world. WATCH: Kirk shares why he chose to get involved with The Compassion Youth Choir. In late 2020, Kirk […]

date: September 24, 2021
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Links to Your pandemic impact: over 8 million people and 250 million meals

Your pandemic impact: over 8 million people and 250 million meals

Many Compassion supporters know that we currently serve over 2 million children around the world who are registered in our holistic child development program. But we’re excited to share a new number with you today. Local Compassion centres have shifted their approach to programming through the pandemic to provide emergency support to children and their […]

date: July 2, 2021
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Links to “Love your Neighbour”: When kids learn what it means to step up for one another

“Love your Neighbour”: When kids learn what it means to step up for one another

Guest post by Halina Rose, teacher and Compassion volunteer from Québec. June is a good time to celebrate teachers! Possibly because we don’t have to see them until September… As a teacher, I don’t take this personally. I need the break too! In fact, the last six weeks of school are enough to bring many teachers to […]

date: June 23, 2021
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Links to The Cultural Club: Arts open the world up when life feels small

The Cultural Club: Arts open the world up when life feels small

Small. The world felt so small. Restrictions and lockdowns had narrowed life to the confines of four walls for everyone in Togo. The children and youth from Compassion centres in Togo were missing their regular programming and felt isolated. They decided to put their minds together to find a way to open their worlds up […]

date: June 8, 2021
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Links to Compassion helps Rwandan family reunite decades after genocide

Compassion helps Rwandan family reunite decades after genocide

 Christian was at a church service when he received a phone call that would change his life. Fifteen missed phone calls, to be exact. “I was in church when I realized I had 15 missed calls,” Christian shares. “My phone had been on silent mode. When I stepped out of the service to call […]

date: May 14, 2021
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