Search Results

We found 33 results for the Field Country Updates category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to “May the Church rise up”: Reflections from a board member’s recent trip to Colombia

“May the Church rise up”: Reflections from a board member’s recent trip to Colombia

Compassion Canada’s board of directors is made up of an incredible group of leaders who give their time to serve in the important role of directing and protecting our organization. They recently had the opportunity to visit Colombia on their first trip as a board in more than three years. Compassion Canada board member Dr. […]

date: April 20, 2023
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Links to What makes Compassion special? Watch our country impact videos to see your love in action!

What makes Compassion special? Watch our country impact videos to see your love in action!

There are so many organizations working for good that you might wonder: what makes Compassion different? We asked some Compassion kids around the world to tell you what life is like in their country and how Compassion has been right beside them. Here are the big three things that make us unique! 1. We’re Christ-centred […]

date: January 3, 2023
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Links to WATCH: How can Christians respond to a crisis?

WATCH: How can Christians respond to a crisis?

All of us are affected by rising costs of living as well as complications from recent world events. But some regions of the world have been harder hit than others. Haiti has experienced devastating earthquakes, political unrest and a deepening food crisis. Canadians have reached out with compassion to help.  But have you ever wondered […]

date: November 30, 2022
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Links to Part Two: Child protection in action

Part Two: Child protection in action

Warning: This content includes mention of abuse. We recommend you read with discretion. When we say children matter, we mean it. Our local church partners all around the world are committed to empowering, educating and establishing the necessary systems to ensure that every child can develop into their God-given potential. And that’s why prioritizing the […]

date: May 5, 2022
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Links to 4 answers on exactly where your money goes when you sponsor a child

4 answers on exactly where your money goes when you sponsor a child

Have you ever wondered what happens to your money when you decide to sponsor a child? Or have you been sponsoring a child for years and were always curious about exactly where your money goes and what it’s doing? Well, continue to read on and learn about how sponsorship makes a practical difference for children […]

date: March 30, 2022
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Links to Then, now, tomorrow at Compassion: Every step forward impacts a child’s life

Then, now, tomorrow at Compassion: Every step forward impacts a child’s life

Ministry is a study of seasons. God, in His wisdom, knows the rise and fall of seasons—times to grow, times to rest, times to change, times to anchor—work together for our ultimate good. Just the way that seasons bring a life-giving rhythm to nature, our personal lives and our communities, they also produce strength and […]

date: March 23, 2022
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Links to New podcast episode: What happens after an earthquake hits Haiti?

New podcast episode: What happens after an earthquake hits Haiti?

On August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the southwestern part of Haiti. Compassion Canada’s President and CEO, Allison Alley, and Compassion International’s Vice President of the Latin America and Caribbean Region, Edouard Lassegue, recently joined host Shelaine Strom on the Ending Poverty Together Podcast to talk about what long-term recovery and development looks […]

date: February 14, 2022
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Links to The Philippines: Super Typhoon Rai updates

The Philippines: Super Typhoon Rai updates

The Philippines is prone to environmental disasters. Recently, the storms have been stronger and more unpredictable. Rai was the 15th typhoon to strike the country this year and is one of the strongest typhoons known to have ever hit the Philippines. Four million people in 400 cities have been affected by this disaster. Super Typhoon […]

date: February 2, 2022
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Links to On the frontlines: Meet Compassion centre directors

On the frontlines: Meet Compassion centre directors

Compassion centre directors are the nurturers who have seen firsthand how love and connection can help children develop holistically as God intended. Chosen by their local community, centre directors have the responsibility to manage a team of dedicated staff, and together ensure that they know, love, and connect with between 150 and 250 Compassion-assisted children.  Almost 220 children are registered to a Compassion centre, on average, in Bangladesh since Compassion began its work in the country […]

date: October 29, 2021
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Links to Presence: The most effective way to recover in the aftermath of disaster

Presence: The most effective way to recover in the aftermath of disaster

“The link between poverty and vulnerability to disaster is undeniable. As a result, Compassion staff and church partners are often the first ones on the ground in the wake of an emergency—ready and prepared to respond to the needs of children and their families.” – Compassion International Vulnerability—it’s the common denominator between poverty and natural […]

date: August 27, 2021
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