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We found 3 results for the Updates from Barry category. Showing all results.

Links to Celebrating Barry: 36 faithful years

Celebrating Barry: 36 faithful years

Faithfulness. In my role as chair of Compassion Canada’s board of directors, I’ve had ten years to work closely with Barry Slauenwhite and observe this fruit of the Spirit exemplified in his life and work. Barry is a hard worker, always willing to take on the extra assignment. There were many times when he travelled […]

date: July 12, 2019
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Links to Thank you for loving and protecting two million children!

Thank you for loving and protecting two million children!

Today, we are celebrating an exciting milestone. There are now TWO MILLION children being cared for in Compassion’s programs by more than 7,000 local churches in 25 countries. That’s two million lives being released from poverty in Jesus’ name because of the compassion, dedication and generosity of our church partners and supporters like you. Thank you—for […]

date: December 12, 2018
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Links to An important announcement from our President and CEO

An important announcement from our President and CEO

After serving in Compassion Canada’s ministry for 34 years, Barry Slauenwhite has announced he will retire as President and CEO—effective fall 2019. Barry will continue to lead Compassion during a diligent process to choose his successor, and once the appointment is made, he will be available to advise the incoming leader during a time of […]

date: July 11, 2017
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