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We found 4 results for the Staff Profiles category. Showing all results.

Links to How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?

What’s as small a crumb but can fill many plates? A seed, of course! Seeds are miraculous things. In backyard and community gardens across Canada, one little seed can produce up to 40 zucchinis over a summer. One cherry tomato transplant can have you picking bowls of colourful produce from July to September. Food gardens […]

date: May 16, 2023
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Links to How Shana went from hating math to becoming our Director of Finance

How Shana went from hating math to becoming our Director of Finance

When Shana was 15, she was in an accounting course that she absolutely despised. As a young girl schooling in Zimbabwe, accounting was the one hurdle it seemed she couldn’t overcome. After multiple attempts at trying to pull up her grades, she only felt increasingly discouraged and unmotivated. Not too long before her exams were […]

date: June 29, 2022
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Links to Top 10 things I’ve learned in my first three months at Compassion Canada

Top 10 things I’ve learned in my first three months at Compassion Canada

In December I was hired by Compassion Canada as a Content Specialist and was quickly immersed into an exciting world of justice, love and a cross-cultural mission of setting kids free from poverty in Jesus’ name! Here is a list of a few things I’ve learned as a newbie in this dynamic organization. 1. “Work […]

date: March 3, 2022
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Links to Meet our people: 10 questions with Compassion staff across Canada

Meet our people: 10 questions with Compassion staff across Canada

From coast to coast and many different walks of life, our staff across Canada share a passion for seeing children released from poverty in Jesus’ name. Whether it’s answering supporters’ live chats, emails and phone calls, processing donations, writing a blog post, managing a project or connecting with a volunteer, we know the things we do […]

date: April 6, 2021
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