Search Results

We found 11 results for the Child labour category. Showing results 1 to 10.

Links to Child labour rising: A short documentary

Child labour rising: A short documentary

Child labour. All over the world, young children are required to work hazardous jobs to help their families make ends meet. The reality of child labour is grievous. Many children lose their childhood because of the demand to bring in additional income for their families. This hard work takes a toll on them in more […]

date: June 10, 2022
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Links to How child labour destroys childhood joy

How child labour destroys childhood joy

The sound of children laughing and shrieking as they jump through front lawn sprinklers while their bare feet run freely through freshly cut blades of grass. The tune of the ice cream truck hearkening boys and girls on their scooters and bikes as they follow the familiar melody with the gusto of that “just-out-of-school” joy. […]

date: June 10, 2022
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Links to Part One: Protecting what matters

Part One: Protecting what matters

Of all the work we do for and with children, there is a substantial argument that child protection is one of the most important parts of our program. Why is this? Because a child that is not protected is a child who is vulnerable to suffering and loss. The efforts we make to give them […]

date: May 5, 2022
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Links to Part Two: Child protection in action

Part Two: Child protection in action

Warning: This content includes mention of abuse. We recommend you read with discretion. When we say children matter, we mean it. Our local church partners all around the world are committed to empowering, educating and establishing the necessary systems to ensure that every child can develop into their God-given potential. And that’s why prioritizing the […]

date: May 5, 2022
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Links to Why Child Protection Workshops are essential to releasing kids from poverty

Why Child Protection Workshops are essential to releasing kids from poverty

Protecting children matters. It doesn’t take much convincing to agree on that. Protection and security are essential for children to thrive, so they are a core need that Compassion seeks to address for every child in our program. We could go as far as saying it is essential to the mission of releasing kids from […]

date: November 18, 2021
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Links to How child sponsorship prevents human trafficking

How child sponsorship prevents human trafficking

Poverty puts children at a higher risk of being trafficked. That’s why releasing children from poverty is key to preventing human trafficking—and that is exactly what child sponsorship does.

date: January 9, 2020
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Links to The rights of children—in photos

The rights of children—in photos

November 2019 is the 30th anniversary of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child. According to UNICEF, it is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history, in which world leaders “made a promise to every child to protect and fulfil their rights, by adopting [this] international legal framework.” More: Read some […]

date: November 14, 2019
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Links to 3 ways the world has changed for children in 30 years

3 ways the world has changed for children in 30 years

In this article: God’s heart for children reflected in the global effort to uphold the rights of children. Three ways the rights of children have advanced over the last 30 years. Why we can celebrate and look to the work ahead of us. ____ This year, Compassion joins other humanitarian and child-focused organizations around the […]

date: November 14, 2019
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Links to What happens when kids in poverty get education

What happens when kids in poverty get education

In this article: The number of children globally that are currently not in school. The effects of a lack of education—including child marriage and human trafficking. What Compassion is doing to provide access to education for children and youth around the world. ____ Every fall, parents and caregivers across Canada prepare to send their kids […]

date: September 12, 2019
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Links to Escaping slavery on the most dangerous lake in Africa

Escaping slavery on the most dangerous lake in Africa

The world was dark when Uncle’s stick came rattling at the door. Forced up from the depths of sleep, Ebenezer broke the surface of his dream and rolled to his feet before the man could whip him awake. He followed the line of boys out of the grimy compound and down to the water’s edge; […]

date: February 6, 2019
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