Did you know Compassion has an awesome magazine just for kids? The summer edition of Compassion Explorer is here and we have a fun challenge for all those adventurous kids out there! Pull up the magazine on your favourite device or order a copy so you can peruse through the pages to find the three activities marked with a special gold star that you need to accomplish in order to fill out the Do Good Certificate.

We are calling all Compassion kids to put on their explorer boots, hats and imaginations to venture out into the Compassion neighbourhood of Asia. Learning about our neighbours is always the first step to loving them well! Trek through the pages of Compassion Explorer and be on the lookout for three gold stars. When you find one, take on that activity and have an adult fill out the Do Good Certificate for you.

Get started today so that you can complete your Do Good Certificate in time to enter for the chance to win this awesome Lego Tuk Tuk set! When you have completed all three activities, you can email us to tell us what activities you did to complete this summer challenge. Enter before August 7th to have a chance to win. Winner will be announced August 8th.

An image of a toy in a box

A tuk tuk is a three-wheeled motorized vehicle that is popular in Southeast Asia

Win this Lego Tuk Tuk set when you share your Do Good story with us!

Email us and tell us what activities you did to complete your Do Good Certificate.

Winner will be announced August 8.

I completed my Do Good Certificate

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada