We are building a better Compassion—and you’re going to love it!

Written by: Compassion Canada

For over 60 years, Compassion has been releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. In that time, we’ve seen God richly bless this ministry with so many lives changed, families healed and communities transformed. And with over 1.7 million children learning the skills and receiving the opportunities they need to overcome poverty, we’re more excited than ever about what the future holds.

But there is still much to be done. There are still millions of children who need help. That’s why, for the last several years, we’ve been working on a plan to better help these children with the right systems and technology, while also improving your experience as a sponsor. And now, that plan is becoming a reality:

What are we changing?

Through the next year, we are changing all our systems around the world to move Compassion’s ministry forward:

  • We’re building systems that could allow us to help as many as 10 million children in the future.
  • We’re introducing a dramatically faster letter writing process so you can receive timelier messages from your Compassion child.
  • We’re developing new tools for letter writing in My Compassion, our web-based application.
  • We’re giving access to more information about your child than has ever been available—including more details on your child’s family and community, and even photos of the Compassion centre he or she attends!
  • We’re giving you more control over your experience as a Compassion supporter in My Compassion.

In short, we are building a better Compassion—one that will be ready to help more children and help you build a stronger relationship with your Compassion child! 

When does this change start?

A number of new systems are already up and running, and starting in February, the new letter writing process will begin in our field countries. You will receive a communication from us letting you know the specifics of what’s changing and how it affects you as the system becomes active in your child’s country.

What can I do in the meantime?

We’d ask you to do two things:

First, please pray for our team in Canada and around the world. This is the one of the biggest and most important changes we’ve made in our history, with the potential to positively impact millions of people. Please join us in praying the implementation goes smoothly.

Second, if you haven’t already, please update your account to include your current email address. This will allow us to reduce our mailing costs as we keep you up-to-date on what’s happening with this initiative. To update your account or to ask any other questions, please contact us or visit My Compassion.

This is such an exciting time at Compassion. We cannot wait to see how God uses the changes to help more of the little ones He loves so dearly find hope and be released from poverty in Jesus’ name. We’re also looking forward to seeing how these changes will help you build your relationship with your Compassion child. We hope you love it!

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada