When I was born, my family and relatives thought I was a curse. They tried to convince my mother to stop breastfeeding me so that I would die of hunger. They said that nothing like this had ever happened in their clan before and that as soon as I was born even the livestock started dying. My mum felt like she should move to Uganda to keep me safe.

As I grew up, I began to discern that I was different from other children. In fact, one time I asked my mum, “Did you chop off my legs? Why am I different from other children?” Growing up those kids would ridicule me and make fun of me because I couldn’t play like they played or be involved in the games they were. I was a bitter person back then.

I’d even throw stones at people. I used to be full of bitterness and through the [Compassion] program I was able to be liberated from that wrath and anger and given a heart full of love. The program also gave me school books, hygiene items, blankets, a mattress and school tuition. It was also Compassion that secured for me a wheelchair as I did not have a way to move around.

I came to realize that it was God who had kept me alive and he must have a purpose for me. Compassion encouraged me to build my self-esteem, not live in self-pity. My motto is that disability is not inability. With God, all things are possible.

I have three things I want to tell people.

  1. You are not a mistake. You were created by God and you have a purpose.
  2. That purpose has a significant place on this earth. You have a contribution to make.
  3. Regardless of how others see you, your worth and value comes from God.

I think people believe that those of us with disabilities are useless and can’t do much in the earth. To them, we’re not useful or productive. But I’ve never thought like that. Whatever normal people do with limbs, I can do them too.

For instance, I cook, I am able to mop our house, I’m able to wash and so I’m not limited. I have a goal of being a journalist one day and doing radio presentation. I believe I can do anything!


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