Are Letters Really That Important?

Written by: Aveleen Schinkel

Letter writing is a bit of a lost art.

Let’s face it – most of us would rather send a short email or a quick text than spend time fashioning our thoughts and writing them out. Letters seem to have lost their relevance in our fast-paced, electronic world. It’s too bad, really. There’s something thrilling about unfolding paper and settling down to read the kind thoughts of someone who cares for you.

Now imagine you are a child in a developing country. Your family is large but its income is small. Healthy meals are a luxury, not a reality. Your parents can’t afford to send you to school, so you join them in the fields, or the market, working with them to scrape by.

This is life. There aren’t that many options.

But then someone you don’t know chooses you. Of all the faces waiting for a sponsor, someone sees yours and says, “I’m going to support this child.” And suddenly going to school, eating nutritious meals, and receiving health checkups are no longer a dream. They’ve become reality. You discover Jesus and his love for you. Your life is completely altered.

Now imagine receiving an encouraging letter from the loving stranger who sponsored you.

Why wait to write your next letter?

Learn more about why writing matters here.

Aveleen Schinkel

Aveleen Schinkel

Aveleen is Compassion Canada's Senior Video Producer. Her passions include photography, writing, child advocacy and fine arts—and sampling tea from every country she travels to.