Do you love podcasts? We really enjoy the long-form interview format here at Compassion Canada. They’re a great way to learn and engage important ideas.

Allison Alley, Compassion Canada’s President and CEO, recently sat down with Ellen Graf-Martin on the Change Makers podcast to talk about her pathway in faith and leadership as well how lives change through child sponsorship around the world and at home.

Episode One

Synopsis: Allison talks about her calling into ministry and her later transition from working in corporate finance to child advocacy with Compassion Canada. Ellen dives deep with Allison and asks her whether or not child sponsorship actually works.

Change Makers Podcast with Allison Alley - Part 1


Episode Two

Synopsis: Allison talks about leadership style, having fun and how to rely on God’s strength in the midst of challenges and the importance of operating “not alone, but together” as we work to bring about important global changes.

Change Makers Podcast with Allison Alley - Part 2


If you like to listen to podcasts on the go, you can check out the Change Makers Podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Google Play.


Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada