An agent of change in a dangerous community

Written by: Compassion Canada

Chamelecón isn’t a safe place to grow up. In 2004, this suburb of San Pedro Sula in Honduras gained the attention of the world when the M-13 gang killed 28 and injured 28 more. Shootings, extortion and gang threats plague the families who live here daily. Chamelecón is one of the poorest cities in the country, and most people work in factories without specialized skills to find better employment.

Despite the dangerous environment, Compassion’s church partners in Chamelecón are still faithfully helping children escape from poverty and walk on the path God has for them. One of them is Kevin.

Kevin was sponsored through Compassion when he was five. He received birthday gifts, health care and support for his education. But above all these benefits, he began to develop a Christian character and a relationship with God.

When Kevin was 12, he suffered the terrible loss of his beloved father due to a heart attack. Kevin was devastated, and his family’s source of income was gone. But rather than turning to drug trafficking or gangs, as so many youth do, Kevin was moved to commit himself even more to the Lord. The church pastor and Compassion staff comforted him and inspired him to continue following the Lord, despite the challenges in his life.

Kevin and Santos, the Compassion centre director who comforted and guided him after the loss of his father.

After his father passed away, Kevin wanted to help his family financially. So through Compassion, Kevin was able to attend a two-year vocational school for mechanics. He graduated in November, 2015.

One month after he graduated, Kevin found a job in a mechanic shop 15 minutes from his home. He rejoiced when he was hired, as he is now able to provide food for his family and help his widowed mother.

Kevin has learned to plan and dream for his future through Compassion’s support. Kevin’s goal is to start a mechanic shop along with his brothers, one a mechanic and one an electrician. Kevin also has a vision to keep studying and to specialize in electrical work. Kevin’s attitude, vision and work ethic make him a huge blessing to his mother.

Kevin with his mother and sister

Kevin with his mother and sister.

“God has blessed me with Kevin,” says his mother, Olga. “My son is an honest and hard-working boy. My heart melts to see how he is making his best effort to help the family. I appreciate how the Compassion staff and his sponsor have encouraged him to follow through, since our community only offers a path of death to young boys like Kevin.”

Kevin also aspires to serve his church and be a church leader in the future. He currently plays the drums at church and hopes to continue serving on the worship team.

Thanks to the opportunities he has been given, Kevin is now a humble, responsible 14-year-old boy who has chosen to follow God rather than follow the life of drugs and trafficking his community offers. Through the educational opportunities and spiritual guidance he is receiving through Compassion, he won’t become just another statistic—he will become an agent of change in his community.

By Juana Ordoñez Martinez, Compassion Honduras

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada