This page reflects updates, reports and initiatives that were in response to the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though the pandemic still has an effect on Compassion’s ministry, we are no longer maintaining this level of updates about COVID-19 disaster response and as a result, the information on this page serves only as an archive of information. Our frontline church partners have been able to resume programming that is closer to pre-pandemic times and you can continue reading about the impact of your support and Compassion’s ministry through other posts on our blog. Thank you for your care, prayers and support as we weathered the unprecedented realities of COVID-19. Your partnership has helped write the good news stories captured on this page.

[This page was last updated December 2021]

All of the countries where we work are striving to slow the spread of the coronavirus through restrictions on public gatherings and other public health measures. Below, you can find the most up-to-date reports from those countries, and how the new guidelines are affecting Compassion programming. Please continue to check back to this page for further updates.

A message from your Sponsored Child’s Country

Watch updates from Africa Region National Directors and other Compassion staff below.

Africa Region: Updates

[Update as of December 21, 2021]

While COVID-19 numbers have been relatively low in Africa, the World Health Organization estimates that six in seven COVID-19 infections have gone undetected across the region. Africa has not been unscathed by the pandemic—the number of people living in extreme poverty in Africa is projected to jump by approximately 8 per cent to nearly 520 million Africans.

Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso:

  • 633,534 food packs have been delivered
  • 651,397 hygiene kits have been delivered
  • 128,858 individuals have received medical care

Letters and gifts are currently delayed in Burkina Faso.


In Ethiopia:

  • 1,212,011 food packs have been delivered
  • 786,219 hygiene kits have been delivered
  • 80,282 individuals have received medical care

Letters and gifts are currently stopped in Ethiopia.

Note: Conflict in Ethiopia has affected Compassion centre operations, including letter writing and gifts. If you sponsor in Ethiopia, please refer to the email or letter we sent to you in December 2021 for more information.


In Ghana:

  • 253,027 food packs have been delivered
  • 242,194 hygiene kits have been delivered
  • 110,698 individuals have received medical care

Letters and gifts are currently normal in Ghana.


In Kenya:

  • 302,806 food packs have been delivered
  • 90,848 hygiene kits have been delivered
  • 99,799 individuals have received medical care

Letters and gifts are currently delayed in Kenya.


In Rwanda:

  • 107,983 food packs have been delivered
  • 961,068 hygiene kits have been delivered
  • 66,543 individuals have received medical care

Letters and gifts are currently normal in Rwanda.


In Tanzania:

  • 73,807 food packs have been delivered
  • 107,782 hygiene kits have been delivered
  • 44,193 individuals have received medical care

Letters and gifts are currently normal in Tanzania.


In Togo:

  • 693,821 food packs have been delivered
  • 453,003 hygiene kits have been delivered
  • 104,886 individuals have received medical care

Letters are currently delayed and gifts are currently normal in Togo.


In Uganda:

  • 172,221 food packs have been delivered
  • 660,506 hygiene kits have been delivered
  • 161,225 individuals have received medical care

Letters and gifts are currently delayed in Uganda.

Video updates from National Directors and Compassion Staff in  Africa

Further Reading:

Compassion Canada

Compassion Canada