A sneak peek at the next issue of Compassion Today

Written by: Aaron Armstrong

Great news! The next issue of Compassion Today will soon be in your mailbox and we’re thrilled for you to read what’s inside. Here’s a sneak peek:

The stories


In bigger cities in Ghana, December is buzzing as people prepare for Christmas. But in Adukrom, December 25 passes like any other day. Children there have never looked forward to any gifts or special meal for Christmas. Until December 2012, when they celebrated Christmas for the first time ever. 

And that’s not all:

  • Three pastors share how hosting Compassion Artists at their churches impacted their congregations
  • Two experts offer advice on how to best encourage a spirit of generosity in children
  • Witness God’s power to multiply gifts and heal the broken in northern Uganda.

The Fall issue of Compassion Today should be arriving soon, so keep a sharp eye on your mailbox—or start reading online now!

Read the new Compassion Today


Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron is the author of several books, including Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation and the End of Poverty.