“The Lord is near to all who call of him, to all who call on him in truth.”

-Psalm 145:18


You are not alone. You are part of a community, a network, a global family that supports each other during times of need.

From Ethiopia to Canada to South Korea to Peru. From local church partners and supporters to volunteers and staff.

Together, let’s unite for a week of guided prayer. The famous teacher and evangelist Oswald Chambers said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” In a season filled with uncertainty due to the fast-spreading coronavirus, we have the honour of coming before our Heavenly Father to pray as the great work.

 Will you join us?

During the week of March 29 to April 4, join your Compassion family—people spanning the world—in a Global Week of Prayer. Regardless of distance or isolation, let’s come together in spirit to declare our dependence on God, ask him to intervene with comfort, wisdom and healing, and pray for opportunities to serve others. Feel free to share your own prayer on our Global Prayer Wall to help represent our globally united voice for those affected by COVID-19.

Submit a Prayer

How can you be praying?

Whether you pray on your own or online with a group of people, the prayers of God’s people are powerful! But sometimes when what we’re praying for seems so out of reach, it’s difficult to even know where to begin. Here are some prayer points to get you started as you join with your global Compassion family in prayer:

1. Pray against the fear of this pandemic. God has not given us a spirit of fear.

2. Pray for people with a high risk of developing the disease. Ask the Lord to protect and keep them.

3. Pray for many medical professionals who are tirelessly serving those impacted by this virus. Ask the Lord to strengthen them as well as give His peace while also protecting them.

4. Pray for those who are isolated or quarantined because of the virus, ask the Lord to be their joy, their strength and their counsel.

5. Pray for the field of medical researchers who are working diligently to find an effective treatment. Pray for the Lord to direct their paths.

6. Pray for those who are serving those who are impacted by the virus. Ask the Lord to raise up people who would serve with compassion and care.

7. Pray for wisdom for our leaders in government, at all levels, to contain the virus from spreading while caring for the safety of their people.

8. Pray for people who don’t have access to proper medical care and support. May the Lord provide them with good care or miraculously heal and deliver them.

9. Pray for those who are have lost their livelihood or income and are suffering from financial loss during this time of crisis. Ask the Lord to be their Provider.

10. Pray for the loved ones of the people who have passed away because of this virus. Ask the Lord to comfort each of them, with His unfailing love and grace.

11. With social distancing practiced and social events being cancelled, ask the Lord to raise up a new chapter of building meaningful and deeper relationships with each other.

12. Pray for nations where food crisis is happening, as people lack access to clean water and food. Ask the Lord to provide their daily bread by becoming the bread of life and giver of living waters.

13. Pray for the Lord to protect our children in the Compassion program in this season of sickness. Ask the Lord to place a hedge of protection over each child and their family.

14. Pray for the wisdom and resilience of the global Church—that the Lord would be their strength and guide as they respond to the challenges of the virus facing their communities and churches. That they would be a vessel of healing, care and comfort in this time of pain.

15. Pray for our Compassion supporters. May each of them be surrounded by the grace, love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to hold their hands and lead them.

16. Pray for everyone in the Compassion global family as we unite our hearts in and through this crisis. Ask the Lord to make us one body for His glory, by serving and loving our neighbours in this crisis.

17. Pray for the people of God to focus on Jesus who is the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Pray for us not to be weighed down by the growing pandemic, but to trust the Lord and understand “His good, perfect and acceptable will.”

18. Ask the Lord to stop the virus from spreading further. Let us pray, “Father, let your kingdom come and your will be done.”

19. Pray for the Lord to unify His Church through this crisis, that we will become salt and light in our communities.


May our days continue to be filled with prayers of boldness and confidence to the God who hears and sees.

I want more prayer resources!