Search Results

We found 19 results for the Water category. Showing results 11 to 19.

Links to No water, no protection: A Salvadoran village’s dry reality

No water, no protection: A Salvadoran village’s dry reality

We’re told to wash our hands to protect ourselves from the virus. But for families in Las Marías, El Salvador who have no water, this kind of protection is a luxury.

date: August 26, 2020
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Links to Good news stories: Haiti

Good news stories: Haiti

The worldwide effort to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus must involve everyone, but not everyone is equally equipped. Compassion’s church partners in Haiti are facing that reality head on—working hard to serve children and families who don’t have access to the resources needed to navigate this pandemic. A lack of access to clean, […]

date: May 11, 2020
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Links to 5 reasons why the poor are hardest hit by COVID-19

5 reasons why the poor are hardest hit by COVID-19

During a pandemic, people living in poverty are among the most vulnerable—unevenly impacted by the many social, economic and physical effects of crisis.

date: May 8, 2020
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Links to Meet 3 creative Canadian volunteers

Meet 3 creative Canadian volunteers

What do a musician, a quilter and a Nerf warrior have in common? Their love for Compassion! Come meet 3 of our incredibly creative Canadian volunteers who are using their gifts, talents and passions to release children from poverty.

date: April 22, 2020
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Links to Stories of how Compassion centres are responding to COVID-19: Part Two

Stories of how Compassion centres are responding to COVID-19: Part Two

Compassion’c local church partners are stepping up to support the children and families in our programs during this time.

date: April 8, 2020
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Links to World Water Day 2020: How One Pastor’s Dream Led to Access to Clean Water for 7,000 Children

World Water Day 2020: How One Pastor’s Dream Led to Access to Clean Water for 7,000 Children

Lack of access to clean water remains a major issue around the world. Globally, 785 million still people lack even a basic source of drinking water.

date: March 19, 2020
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Links to How Compassion’s Global Program is Equipped to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic

How Compassion’s Global Program is Equipped to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Three existing aspects of Compassion’s program that equip us well to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic.

date: March 17, 2020
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Links to <i>Outlove</i> poverty with a Gift of Compassion

Outlove poverty with a Gift of Compassion

Compassion Canada launched its annual Gifts of Compassion catalogue this week with a call for Canadians to make big impact through small but targeted giving.

The campaign which invites Canadians to outlove poverty, is a practical way for Canadians to make substantial impact in the lives of children and their families living in poverty around the world.

date: November 5, 2019
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Links to Where do you get your water? 8 photos from around the world

Where do you get your water? 8 photos from around the world

When you need a glass of water, need to brush your teeth or wash your dishes, where do you get your water? Do you turn on the tap in the kitchen? Or get water out of the fridge? In 2019, access to clean water might not seem like an issue that we should still be […]

date: March 6, 2018
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