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We found 34 results for the Letter Writing category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to A Cynic’s Guide to Sponsorship & Letter Writing

A Cynic’s Guide to Sponsorship & Letter Writing

When it comes to child sponsorship, there is no shortage of questions and misconceptions about its effectiveness and ethics. We’ve heard every question in the book! And honestly—we get it. Committing to a relationship with a child across the globe is not something you want to do blindly. In this day and age, when we […]

date: October 24, 2019
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Links to A bond beyond borders

A bond beyond borders

The moment you meet Cynthia Trump-Fougere from Carstairs, Alberta, you feel welcomed and at ease. Her bright, blue eyes twinkle with quick humour and her infectious laugh portrays a woman with a zest for life and an unrestrained love for others. But she’s the first to admit that finding joy was sometimes a struggle. “I […]

date: July 4, 2019
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Links to Ever wonder how letters get to your sponsored child?

Ever wonder how letters get to your sponsored child?

Letters: they’re one of the most well-known parts of Compassion’s ministry. They are the lifeblood of your relationship with your sponsor child—one of the most unique ways that you can connect directly! So, of course, we take transporting your letter very seriously. Thailand, Uganda, Peru, Ghana—we’ve got letters going everywhere around the world! But how […]

date: February 14, 2019
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Links to Spanish phrases I’d like my sponsor to know

Spanish phrases I’d like my sponsor to know

Brianda and her siblings, Santiago and Andrea (pictured above), are all registered in the Compassion program at the local church in their hometown of Santa Clara de Juarez in Mexico. They love reading letters from their sponsors. We asked Brianda and a few of her friends: “What phrases in Spanish would you like your sponsors […]

date: January 21, 2019
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Links to Behind the scenes of child letters

Behind the scenes of child letters

Do you ever wonder when and where the child you sponsor writes their letters to you? Why their letters are form letters or sometimes sound repetitive? What kind of information they like to hear from you? We went straight to the source and asked the most common questions about child letters to the people who help […]

date: October 25, 2018
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Links to Struggle no more: Letter writing made easy!

Struggle no more: Letter writing made easy!

Your letter writing struggles solved—and letter templates for you to copy! One of the most unique and beautiful parts of child sponsorship is the opportunity to build a relationship with the child you sponsor through letter writing. But many sponsors find it difficult to write for a wide variety of reasons. It can be hard […]

date: August 2, 2018
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Links to What my sponsor means to me

What my sponsor means to me

Living across the world from your sponsored child, you might find yourself asking, “Is my support really making a significant difference?” You may receive letters that don’t give a lot of detail, and you can’t see the effect your support is having firsthand. Well, let us tell you something: Your relationship with your sponsored child […]

date: July 6, 2018
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Links to The right letter at the perfect time

The right letter at the perfect time

As a sponsor, your encouraging words mean more than you may ever know. Twice a week, staff from the Tabernáculo Bíblico Bautista Church in Majucla, El Salvador, bring meals and teaching materials in a pickup truck to the neighbouring town of Montreal, El Salvador. On one particular day, the staff found something unexpected. As soon […]

date: June 14, 2018
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Links to Why do my sponsored child’s letters sound the same?

Why do my sponsored child’s letters sound the same?

It can be disappointing if your sponsored child hasn’t responded to your questions or even mentioned the letter you sent. Here’s why this could be happening, plus handy tips to prevent it. Before we get to the tips, it might be helpful to understand the context that letters are written in and the cultural differences […]

date: April 20, 2018
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Links to Do children have more than one sponsor?

Do children have more than one sponsor?

Have you ever wondered if your sponsorship really is one-to-one? Christianity Today published an article on American perceptions of child sponsorship. Though a recent study by Grey Matter Research showed that 87 per cent of Americans were familiar with child sponsorship, it also showed that many didn’t understand it. Some were skeptical—thinking sponsorship is a scam—while […]

date: March 14, 2018
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