Search Results

We found 21 results for the President category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to One faithful step toward the noble goal of ending poverty

One faithful step toward the noble goal of ending poverty

Over the last six months, I’ve regularly been asked about my vision for Compassion Canada in my new role as President and CEO. It is as aspirational as it is practical. All-encompassing and yet precise. We have our eyes set on every and our hearts focused on the one.

date: May 14, 2020
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Links to 9 Awesome Things You Were Part of This Year

9 Awesome Things You Were Part of This Year

2019 was an incredible year in many ways for Compassion Canada! Because of our supporters, we were able to see more children and families empowered to break the chains of poverty and oppression. From providing shelter for refugees to giving a family of triplets a brand new home, you served those around the world in creative ways. Take a look at some good news stories from 2019 illustrated by us, just for you!

date: December 27, 2019
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Links to How to Mobilize Generosity

How to Mobilize Generosity

Allison Alley, president of Compassion Canada, joins the Word Made Digital podcast to chat about How to Mobilize Generosity in Millennials and Communicate Global Needs in Effective Ways

date: December 3, 2019
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Links to <i>Outlove</i> poverty with a Gift of Compassion

Outlove poverty with a Gift of Compassion

Compassion Canada launched its annual Gifts of Compassion catalogue this week with a call for Canadians to make big impact through small but targeted giving.

The campaign which invites Canadians to outlove poverty, is a practical way for Canadians to make substantial impact in the lives of children and their families living in poverty around the world.

date: November 5, 2019
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Links to The Top Ten of Compassion Canada’s CEO Succession Gala

The Top Ten of Compassion Canada’s CEO Succession Gala

[5 minute read] On October 25, the Compassion family gathered to mark a significant milestone in Compassion Canada’s history.

date: November 1, 2019
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Links to Allison Alley becomes Compassion Canada’s new President and CEO

Allison Alley becomes Compassion Canada’s new President and CEO

Allison Alley became the 4th President of Compassion Canada on October 25, 2019

date: October 27, 2019
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Links to Celebrating Barry: 36 faithful years

Celebrating Barry: 36 faithful years

Faithfulness. In my role as chair of Compassion Canada’s board of directors, I’ve had ten years to work closely with Barry Slauenwhite and observe this fruit of the Spirit exemplified in his life and work. Barry is a hard worker, always willing to take on the extra assignment. There were many times when he travelled […]

date: July 12, 2019
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Links to Thank you for loving and protecting two million children!

Thank you for loving and protecting two million children!

Today, we are celebrating an exciting milestone. There are now TWO MILLION children being cared for in Compassion’s programs by more than 7,000 local churches in 25 countries. That’s two million lives being released from poverty in Jesus’ name because of the compassion, dedication and generosity of our church partners and supporters like you. Thank you—for […]

date: December 12, 2018
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Links to 4 books that will revolutionize how you view poverty

4 books that will revolutionize how you view poverty

Understanding poverty is so key in shaping our response to need in the world—and keeping us out of the all-too-common pitfalls of aid. We asked Compassion leaders from around the world what books have revolutionized their understanding of poverty. Grab one of these books, a cup of tea, and start learning about how you can […]

date: November 8, 2018
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Links to Get to know our amazing President Elect: Allison Alley

Get to know our amazing President Elect: Allison Alley

After 35 years of ministry, Compassion Canada’s current President and CEO, Barry Slauenwhite, will be retiring in 2019. After a diligent search, Compassion Canada’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce Barry’s successor when he retires: Allison Alley. Allison will become the fourth president of Compassion Canada. She has led our Advocacy team for five […]

date: July 5, 2018
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