Search Results

We found 529 results for the Compassion's Ministry category. Showing results 121 to 130.

Links to A Life of Compassion: Video interview with former sponsor child Richmond Wandera

A Life of Compassion: Video interview with former sponsor child Richmond Wandera

What happens when you bring two people from different continents together on a call to chat about their passion for Jesus? You get inspired. Joanna la Fleur and Compassion alumnus Richmond Wandera recently sat down for an interview that was filled with passion, hope and love for the church. Joanna la Fleur and Richmond Wandera […]

date: July 14, 2021
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Links to “You can’t out-give God”: Windsor, ON pastors on cultivating church and mission for today

“You can’t out-give God”: Windsor, ON pastors on cultivating church and mission for today

It was during a Compassion trip to Bolivia when the pastor of a local church spoke a pivotal line to Pastor Brad Watson after hearing about the size and age of his former church: “You must have many daughter churches!” The innocent comment stopped Pastor Brad in his tracks. Recalling that moment, he says, “I […]

date: July 9, 2021
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Links to Crisis: Both danger and opportunity are reflected through COVID-19

Crisis: Both danger and opportunity are reflected through COVID-19

Listen in to this inspiring time that church leaders from across Canada spent with Jimmy Mellado, President and CEO of Compassion International. Jimmy shares about the realities for Compassion’s ministry worldwide as well as the remarkable opportunity we have as the Church to do good and meet the needs of the most vulnerable. With Jimmy’s […]

date: July 7, 2021
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Links to Your pandemic impact: over 8 million people and 250 million meals

Your pandemic impact: over 8 million people and 250 million meals

Many Compassion supporters know that we currently serve over 2 million children around the world who are registered in our holistic child development program. But we’re excited to share a new number with you today. Local Compassion centres have shifted their approach to programming through the pandemic to provide emergency support to children and their […]

date: July 2, 2021
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Links to 5 life-changing letter writing tips for you

5 life-changing letter writing tips for you

Share this video! Share on Facebook | Share on Instagram ____ Along the path outside her home that leads to the local church, six-year-old Fortune regularly saw her peers excitedly walking home, a treasured letter from their sponsor clutched in their hands. She longed to know what it felt like to receive a letter from […]

date: June 29, 2021
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Links to “I’m the first in my family to…”

“I’m the first in my family to…”

Every kid dreams of who they want to be, things they want to accomplish, places they want to go, and more. But for millions of children living in extreme poverty, this is when poverty’s evil lies start to creep in. You’ll never achieve those dreams. Poverty will always define your life. You’re stuck. Kids in […]

date: June 9, 2021
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Links to The Cultural Club: Arts open the world up when life feels small

The Cultural Club: Arts open the world up when life feels small

Small. The world felt so small. Restrictions and lockdowns had narrowed life to the confines of four walls for everyone in Togo. The children and youth from Compassion centres in Togo were missing their regular programming and felt isolated. They decided to put their minds together to find a way to open their worlds up […]

date: June 8, 2021
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Links to He is a survivor: Abel battled cancer and won

He is a survivor: Abel battled cancer and won

Jonah and the whale. Daniel and the lion’s den. Esther saving her people. David facing Goliath. These are all beloved Bible stories for children and are guaranteed to come up when you ask a Sunday school class what their favourite stories are. One story you would not expect to be a 13-year-old’s favourite is the […]

date: June 1, 2021
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Links to Spinning with joy: 10-year-old Suleyma in El Salvador wins national talent competition

Spinning with joy: 10-year-old Suleyma in El Salvador wins national talent competition

What do you do when you lose the person who inspired your dreams, just as you were reaching for the next step in that dream? What do you do when you doubt if your gifts and talents are valid? How do you stay inspired in the midst of a global pandemic? All this and more […]

date: May 27, 2021
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Links to Concert of Hope: A Friday night with dynamic talent that impacts lives

Concert of Hope: A Friday night with dynamic talent that impacts lives

Resonance. It’s a musical term that captures the impact of a note after it has been played or sung. How that note interacts with time and space. The right frequency for maximum amplification. If there is one thing the Concert of Hope knows how to utilize, it’s resonance. With a world-class collection of artists and […]

date: May 25, 2021
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