Search Results

We found 183 results for the Compassion News category. Showing results 171 to 180.

Links to How did my gift make a difference?

How did my gift make a difference?

Last Christmas you gave a gift of Compassion—and you might be wondering: How did my gift make a difference? Take a look at the amazing results: See for yourself all the ways you’ve helped to give children and their families the skills and resources that can help them overcome poverty: 5,565 gifts given including: 113 […]

date: April 1, 2013
comments: 0 comments
Links to Jim Mellado named Compassion International’s new president and CEO

Jim Mellado named Compassion International’s new president and CEO

When Wess Stafford announced that he would be retiring from his 20 years as Compassion International’s President and CEO, we knew we had some big shoes to fill. Wess has humbly guided the international organization with wisdom and grace and has become like a father to many of its staff. But over the past year, […]

date: March 13, 2013
comments: 3 comments
Links to Kaitlin’s Legacy

Kaitlin’s Legacy

Kaitlin Boyda, a 17-year-old girl from Lethbridge, Alberta, struggled with an incurable brain tumour since the summer of 2009. While other kids her age were busy texting and thinking about prom, she went through two surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. But when the Children’s Wish Foundation approached Kaitlin to grant her a wish to brighten her […]

date: March 11, 2013
comments: 7 comments
Links to The BIG 5-0: We want YOUR photos!

The BIG 5-0: We want YOUR photos!

Guess what—it’s our birthday! That’s right; Compassion Canada turns 50 this year, which means Canadians have been praying for, encouraging and changing the lives of children in poverty for half a century. That’s a big deal. Naturally, we’re pretty excited about this, so we wanted to have a little fun…and you can help! Here’s how: […]

date: March 8, 2013
comments: 0 comments
Links to Compassion: 2012 by the numbers

Compassion: 2012 by the numbers

You helped make a lot possible in 2012. Here is a quick look at Compassion by the numbers: Child Survival Program We’re ministering to 27,343 babies and their caregivers in 18 countries. Canadian support of the Child Survival Program grew by 158 per cent in 2012! 2,662 babies were safely delivered. 3,961 mothers professed faith […]

date: March 5, 2013
comments: 0 comments

Your 2012 tax receipt is on the way

Tax time is nearly upon us (and depending on your point of view that may be a good or bad thing). You might be wondering: When will my tax receipt arrive? We’re working to get your tax receipt in the mail and you should have it in your hands soon. If you’re in a hurry […]

date: February 12, 2013
comments: 0 comments
Links to A sneak peek at the next issue of Compassion Today

A sneak peek at the next issue of Compassion Today

It’s that time of year again – soon you’ll be opening the annual report issue of Compassion Today. We’re excited about what’s inside. Compassion Canada is celebrating 50 years of giving Canadians an opportunity to release children in poverty – giving them support, encouragement, and hope for a better future. We’re thrilled to reach this […]

date: January 29, 2013
comments: 0 comments
Links to Two little boys, one act of generosity

Two little boys, one act of generosity

A five-year-old Waterloo boy has inspired thousands after he decided to help a Kenyan child who needed life-saving surgery. Before Christmas, Natalie Self gave her son Cam opportunity to choose a gift from Compassion’s gift guide. They paged through the catalogue together, but Cam walked away and didn’t seem interested. Moments later, he returned with […]

date: January 11, 2013
comments: 0 comments
Links to Change Hearts, Change Haiti

Change Hearts, Change Haiti

It has been three years since the catastrophic earthquake that crumbled much of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Hundreds of thousands were killed and over a million lost their homes. Natural disasters can sink countries into deeper despair, or they can be the catalyst for change. Although thousands are still displaced, we’re beginning to see a massive rebuilding […]

date: January 11, 2013
comments: 0 comments

Why can I only see one child?

It’s been about a month since we launched the new website—we hope you’re enjoying it so far! Whenever you make changes, you’re bound to get questions. And one we’ve heard a lot is: Why can I only see one child on the sponsorship page? During the redevelopment process, we spent a lot (and we mean […]

date: January 8, 2013
comments: 0 comments