Search Results

We found 64 results for the Crisis Updates category. Showing results 51 to 60.

Links to Hurricane Matthew: An Interview with Compassion Haiti’s Director

Hurricane Matthew: An Interview with Compassion Haiti’s Director

Guilbaud Saint-Cyr, director of Compassion Haiti, has led Compassion through multiple crises in his country, including past hurricanes and the earthquake of 2010. On Monday, before Hurricane Matthew hit, he shared a few thoughts with us about how Compassion Haiti was preparing and how we can be praying. What are the specific needs Compassion beneficiaries […]

date: October 5, 2016
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Links to Ecuador: after the earthquake

Ecuador: after the earthquake

The devastating earthquake that hit Ecuador on April 16 has resulted in significant damage, thousands of people injured and hundreds of lives lost. According to the latest government report, the official number of those injured in the earthquake is 4,605. Thirty-three people are still missing and the death toll remains at 660. Over 30,000 people remain […]

date: May 11, 2016
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Links to Fighting Zika and dengue

Fighting Zika and dengue

The fight against the Aedes Aegypti mosquito isn’t new. But it is scary. This particular insect is an old enemy of Brazilians. In the past, it was responsible for decimating thousands of people with yellow fever but in the 1940s, the mosquito was mostly eradicated from the country through the concerted efforts of scientists and the government. In the […]

date: February 19, 2016
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Links to Hurricane Patricia: A call to prayer, updated

Hurricane Patricia: A call to prayer, updated

Update, October 24th: Praise God! Hurricane Patricia in Mexico has been significantly less catastrophic than predicted so far and is now only categorized as a tropical storm. Its path isn’t projected to pass over any Compassion centres (see map). Omar Villagran, Country Director for Compassion Mexico, said “according to the path of the hurricane, it is […]

date: October 23, 2015
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Links to Earthquake in Nepal: How you can support relief efforts

Earthquake in Nepal: How you can support relief efforts

Just before noon on Saturday, a huge earthquake struck Nepal – magnitude 7.8. More than 5,000 people have been killed and the BBC reports the death toll could reach at least 10,000.

date: April 28, 2015
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Links to The earthquake in Haiti: Snapshots of one boy’s story

The earthquake in Haiti: Snapshots of one boy’s story

Erickson is a 15-year-old boy from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Before the earthquake, his dad didn’t have a job, so his mom, Kerline, supported him and his siblings by selling second-hand clothes. Erickson and his sisters practice math on the side of their home before the earthquake. Life was hard enough. Then the earthquake hit. Erickson and […]

date: January 16, 2015
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Links to Five years later

Five years later

Compassion’s continuing relief efforts after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti are providing lasting help for children and their families.  I’ll never forget that Tuesday, even though I was thousands of miles away. I had traveled to Haiti the year before and was enchanted. I loved the round, rolling words of Haitian Creole and the buttery […]

date: January 15, 2015
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Links to Rebuilding Haiti with small businesses

Rebuilding Haiti with small businesses

In the devastating earthquake in Haiti five years ago, people lost not only their homes but also their means to earn an income. With nothing left, many were unable to provide daily food for their families. Using $1 million of donations to our Haiti Disaster Relief Fund, Compassion worked with local churches to provide small […]

date: January 14, 2015
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Links to Haiti five years later: Thoughts from our president

Haiti five years later: Thoughts from our president

Five years ago, Compassion Canada’s President and CEO, Barry Slauenwhite, had just arrived in Haiti to lead a group of Canadian pastors when the earthquake struck. He witnessed the devastation firsthand, but on several follow-up trips to Haiti, Slauenwhite has also seen the progress that has been made. Here are some of his thoughts on […]

date: January 12, 2015
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Links to Typhoon Hagupit hits the Philippines

Typhoon Hagupit hits the Philippines

Thirteen months ago, the Philippines was devastated when one of the strongest tropical storms on record, Typhoon Haiyan, made landfall on November 8th, 2013. Late Saturday, December 6th, 2014, another massive storm—Typhoon Hagupit—made landfall. Thousands of people have fled their homes in anticipation of the typhoon, which measured around 600 km across, with gusts peaking at 195km/hour. […]

date: December 6, 2014
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