Search Results

We found 20 results for the Ask Compassion category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to Measuring your impact

Measuring your impact

This article was originally published in Compassion Canada’s Summer 2020 Magazine. Did you know that your generous giving provides individualized care through each stage of a child’s development? Our local church partners are experts committed to every child’s wellbeing. They truly know and love the kids! Your giving empowers them to invest in each child. […]

date: July 23, 2020
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Links to Busting some myths on Compassion and community development

Busting some myths on Compassion and community development

This article was originally published in Compassion Canada’s Summer 2020 Magazine. Because we are so committed to and focused on individual child development, a common myth about Compassion’s program is that we don’t do wider community development projects. But the fact is, we invest a lot in community development through what we call our Complementary […]

date: July 16, 2020
comments: 0 comments
Links to Is Compassion a financially responsible charity?

Is Compassion a financially responsible charity?

Let’s face it—money matters. And when it comes to where you invest it, you want to be completely confident. Giving to charities is no different. Like you, we at Compassion value transparency and responsibility. So, we’re answering some of your most practical and burning questions when it comes to all things money. 

date: January 16, 2020
comments: 0 comments
Links to Child sponsorship: Get the facts

Child sponsorship: Get the facts

At Compassion, we value you, our partners in mission, deeply. Our hope is to be transparent with the ins and outs of our ministry. One of the ways we do that is by addressing your questions—big or small!

date: October 24, 2019
comments: 0 comments
Links to A Cynic’s Guide to Sponsorship & Letter Writing

A Cynic’s Guide to Sponsorship & Letter Writing

When it comes to child sponsorship, there is no shortage of questions and misconceptions about its effectiveness and ethics. We’ve heard every question in the book! And honestly—we get it. Committing to a relationship with a child across the globe is not something you want to do blindly. In this day and age, when we […]

date: October 24, 2019
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Links to Is child sponsorship a scam?

Is child sponsorship a scam?

Shortly after I started working for Compassion, my brother-in-law, a thoroughly reasonable man, asked me if Compassion really supported nearly two million children around the world, or if it was all just a front with a handful of poor-looking kids as a façade. He’s not alone. Many of us have read the stories of non-profits […]

date: July 11, 2019
comments: 0 comments
Links to Do unsponsored children still receive support?

Do unsponsored children still receive support?

When choosing a child to sponsor, you might notice that their child profile tells you about their school situation and what kinds of activities they enjoy at their Compassion child development centre. We know what you’re thinking. Why are they already in school and attending the Compassion centre if they aren’t sponsored yet? That’s a […]

date: July 4, 2019
comments: 0 comments
Links to Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

Do children have to be Christian to be in Compassion’s program?

As a Christian ministry, we get this question frequently. But the idea that we only serve Christian children couldn’t be farther from the truth! Our goal is to serve and empower local churches around the world to effectively minister to children and families living in poverty—regardless of their religious beliefs. What do we mean by […]

date: February 28, 2019
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Links to When do youth graduate from Compassion sponsorship?

When do youth graduate from Compassion sponsorship?

Sponsors often wonder when youth graduate from our sponsorship program. In North America, we typically view an 18-year-old as an adult and apply that thinking to children in other countries. It’s important to understand that children living in poverty around the world may start school later or have limited resources compared to Canadian children—which is […]

date: May 31, 2018
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Links to Why do people living in poverty have large families?

Why do people living in poverty have large families?

At Compassion we believe that every child is a joy and a blessing. We know from the psalmist that “children are a gift from the Lord.” Families come in all sizes—some are small and some are large. But there’s one question we sometimes hear from those living in Western cultures: when income is scarce and […]

date: January 23, 2017
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