Search Results

We found 25 results for the Sponsors taking action category. Showing results 11 to 20.

Links to What happened when she met her sponsored child and his mom

What happened when she met her sponsored child and his mom

In this article: A Canadian mom travels to Honduras to see the difference sponsorship makes. Reflections on motherhood from meeting her sponsored child’s mom. Five ways families can practice gratitude and generosity. ____ I met Maria two years ago. It was a hot summer day, the smell of fried fish and french fries mixed with […]

date: August 22, 2019
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Links to A bond beyond borders

A bond beyond borders

The moment you meet Cynthia Trump-Fougere from Carstairs, Alberta, you feel welcomed and at ease. Her bright, blue eyes twinkle with quick humour and her infectious laugh portrays a woman with a zest for life and an unrestrained love for others. But she’s the first to admit that finding joy was sometimes a struggle. “I […]

date: July 4, 2019
comments: 0 comments
Links to How are you uniquely wired to respond to poverty?

How are you uniquely wired to respond to poverty?

Gaining a deeper understanding of God’s perspective on poverty can make a huge difference.

date: March 23, 2018
comments: 0 comments
Links to A devoted volunteer says, “Look for those in need.”

A devoted volunteer says, “Look for those in need.”

We couldn’t do what we do at Compassion without our volunteers. At our office in London, Ontario, the work of about two full-time staff is completed by volunteers! They sort through all of the precious letters you send so they can be quickly sent off to your sponsored child. These volunteers give their time freely […]

date: October 26, 2017
comments: 0 comments
Links to How well do you understand poverty?

How well do you understand poverty?

Gaining a deeper understanding of God’s perspective on poverty can make a huge difference.

date: September 28, 2017
comments: 0 comments
Links to Why do you volunteer?

Why do you volunteer?

April is Volunteer Month. (Woohoo! Hooray! Toot toot!) Have we told you lately how much we love our volunteers? Without volunteers, Compassion simply wouldn’t be able to help nearly as many children living in poverty. Volunteers in our field countries give their time at Compassion centres at local churches to care for children. And volunteers […]

date: April 6, 2017
comments: 1 comment
Links to Can a 10-year-old change the world?

Can a 10-year-old change the world?

We recently heard from one of our supporters, 10-year-old Joshua from Quebec. After becoming a sponsor several years ago, Joshua decided he wanted to share with his fifth grade class about how they, too, can change the world. Here’s the inspiring presentation Joshua gave to his class in December. I’ve decided I’m going to tell […]

date: January 5, 2017
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Links to Childhood is not a waiting room

Childhood is not a waiting room

Often, people think of childhood as a waiting period until “real” life begins. But we know that God can use people at any stage of life to do great things for Him. With their unselfconscious boldness and innocent faith, children and youth can glorify God in surprising and significant ways. We’ve been so blessed to […]

date: December 15, 2016
comments: 0 comments
Links to The kids trading bottles—for wells

The kids trading bottles—for wells

The Butt children spend an hour every morning studying their Bibles and every night at the Beer Store. It all started five years ago when their family faced some unexpected financial difficulties. Roy and Angela Butt of Aurora, Ontario, had always been generous, sponsoring a child with Compassion each time one of their four children […]

date: November 4, 2016
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Links to Advocating for children—a family affair

Advocating for children—a family affair

When Carol Wilson went on an Exposure trip to Nicaragua to meet her sponsored child, it didn’t just change her life—it changed her entire family! Carol: I first sponsored a child with Compassion in 2005. I was drawn to Compassion because I had come to believe that it was vital for children to hear the […]

date: March 2, 2016
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